
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Still Here

It has been a quiet relaxing week here at Long Key State Park.

I have gotten up for some of the fantastic sunrises, and others I happily slept through.

We have enjoyed just sitting out and listening to the soft slosh of the waves. The water has so many hues from slate grey to bright turquoise.

Sunsets have been wonderful!

Although this image is terrible, out of focus and all, it does help me share the wonder of a campfire, the moon, the sea, and the husband.

Until next time, peace to all.


  1. Glad you're having such a relaxing time. Enjoy, and thanks for sharing. Great sunset photo!

  2. That's got to be one of the best RV sites I've ever seen. What a VIEW! Your photos are so beautiful. Wasn't that a great moon last night? :)

  3. Really really nice !!! envious....

    llike the header picture a lot too !

  4. What a wonderful way to while away a couple of magical weeks. You two look very happy with your feet in that beautiful water. Wondering where you will go next?

    1. Our next stay, two weeks in John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, will fulfill my original request when Merikay asked me where I wanted to go last January: "Christmas in the Keys". I'll string our lights around the coach when we get there.

  5. This is exactly what this lifestyle is all about, relaxing! Two more weeks and we'll finally get to start relaxing, at least for awhile :) Nice sunset pictures!

  6. It does look peaceful...and beautiful. Glad you are having such a great time. Tell Craig I can almost taste that raspberry key lime pie hahaha!!


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