
Thursday, January 29, 2015


Looks like we may have started our move north in Florida too soon. Although Silver Springs State Park, near Ocala, FL is less than 70 miles northwest of the Orlando area, it seems we have crossed a magic temperature line.  Our furnace ran frequently in the night, and the window thermometers read thirty when checked at about 7:30 am.

Speaking of thermometers, I am wondering what kind, if any, window thermometers other Rvers use, and if they seem accurate? 

We have two stick on thermometers that we bought at Camping World. One on each side of the coach, so we can get a reading that is not in direct sun wherever we are parked. One is less than a year old, but Craig says they deteriorate and are no longer accurate. 

Does anyone know of a better choice?

We will only be here for three days. After staying in one place for two weeks at a time for the last three months, I feel like we will be rushed to do much here. Since it is rather cold this morning, we are going to get some groceries and a light bulb for the refrigerator this morning. The forecast is for temps in the high sixties this afternoon so I hope we can get out for a while.

It is our wish that all of our friends in the Northeast are warm and safe.  We remember how cold it was in our childhoods in Wisconsin.


  1. I have one of those digital indoor/outdoor thermometers. When parked for a time, I put the outdoor sensor in between and on top of my back two tires on the passenger's side. When moving a lot, i leave it in a basement storage bin. It's pretty darn accurate.

  2. We use an electronic one as well. One sensor in the fridge and one outside. The base unit gives us the temp inside.

  3. Even down in Moore Haven we've had a number of cold nights in the last week but have gotten away with just the electric heaters at night.
    We've never used the electronic gauges before but have used the stick-ons and the glass bulbed type. Direct sunlight messes with both giving them misreadings. The stick-ons are only good for a few years.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. I feel your pain Merikay. We're over in Silver Springs, about 55 miles east of you and has been cool and wet over here so far this winter. We use a LaCrosse indoor/outdoor thermometer with an external sensor that we put on top of the rigs tires like Judy. It works very well and seems to be very accurate.

    1. Are there more than one Silver Springs? We're at the Silver River State Park, next to the Silver Springs State Park, east of Ocala.

    2. I didn't read your post correctly, I thought you guys were on the west coast. We're actually very close. We're at Wilderness RV Resort on Highway 40. The river that flows out of Silver Springs comes right by our campground.

  5. You think Ocala is cold, wait until you get to the panhandle..... burrrr

  6. Reminds me of last year when we were near where you are. It would be cold enough for sweatshirts in the morning, but shorts in the afternoon. We too have one of the digital indoor/outdoor thermometers. Also have another sensor in the basement to let us know the temps there.

  7. We had chilly weather in Marxh, Merikay. There is no predicting Florida weather, except maybe hot and sultry in August


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