
Friday, March 27, 2015

Just Resting and a timely repair

We did not do very much this week other than rest and read. 

During our first two weeks in San Diego we had a flurry of visits, appointments, grandson activities, and shopping. I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the traffic on the roads, and noise constantly assaulting us. I thought I didn't mind, saying the trade-off of being near family was well worth it, but once we were back in a quiet park setting I felt much better.

Typical of many parks, the Summit Campground in Sweet-water Regional Park is fairly empty during the week. It is too far from the San Diego attractions such as Sea World and the Zoo for out-of-town tourists, but fills up with more local weekend campers on Friday through Sunday. 

My ankle is healing nicely and I have been riding my bike for short times at least twice a day. I don't agree that you "never forget how to ride a bike". I have had to relearn how to get started, when to shift, and most importantly, how to stop. The last being something I was just out practicing this morning.  Since the park is fairly empty, and the roads are very smooth, this is the perfect place to refresh some of those long-forgotten skills. The grade of the road is also excellent for using the leg muscles that have grown weak over the years, with short easy ups and downs.

I have only fallen off once. I do have a helmet!

Some of the other bloggers have had unfortunate mechanical problems with their rigs or tow cars this spring.  Breakdowns are a fact of RV life, and sometimes they can be a major headache.

We were very lucky this week.

Picture from Web, our jack looks like this though.
One of the leveling jacks has been a bit "fussy" from time to time. We knew from a previous occasion when one of the other ones failed, the extended warranty we have would cover the replacement in part, but not until there was a complete failure.
How were we lucky? It failed to work when setting up at this park site. It was a Saturday afternoon, but because we had a two-week reservation we knew we had time to deal with it. Good thing we were not out boondocking with a weak or nonexistent phone signal.

On Monday after calls to our warranty company and to our roadside service provider, we were put in contact with a Mobile RV Repair company that is also an Atwood authorized dealer. They came out to look at the job on Tuesday, and returned  to install a new jack on Thursday.  Total bill was $1480, of which we had to pay $433. Nice! When we had one of the other jacks replaced last year we had to pay the full bill up front, and wait for several months for reimbursement from the insurance company because the repair place would not bill them. 

It is so nice when things go smoothly.

We are looking forward to another nice weekend with our daughter and the boys. I'm going over to her house this afternoon to do my wash and cook dinner. Nice to be able to give her a little after-work break while we are here.


  1. We have been "out of touch" internet wise and I am surprised to read of your injury. It is a good thing that you are healing nicely. Your campground looks very nice. Enjoy.

  2. we do get used to a measure of peace and quiet don't we! Nice that you be able to have a balance of family and the quiet. It does seem that you've been lucky with when you have need repairs!

  3. Looks like you found a nice quiet park. We are not enjoying the traffic around San Diego, but Mission Bay is in a great location for hopping on the bikes. Glad your ankle is doing better.


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