
Monday, April 27, 2015

A stop at the Grand Canyon is Always Wonderful

I had hoped there would be snow up in the Grand Canyon when we decided to drive up for a day trip from Williams on Sunday.

This what what Williams looked like when we woke around 7.

Feeling no rush to get going, we enjoyed a leisurely morning in bed, enjoying fresh squeezed OJ, and mellow brewed coffee while we checked out the online news and funnies. After a nice breakfast in the coach we drove the Jeep up to the Canyon. 

We only traveled a few miles when all signs of the morning snow disappeared. It had not melted, it simply hadn't fallen there. 

In spite of the less-than-perfect weather, there was still a line of cars at the entrance station, and the parking lots were fairly full.

Throughout the day the sky kept changing. White clouds and blue sky, dark clouds with rain falling in the distance, and both at the same time.

One of many crows we saw riding the wind.

Cloud shadows crawled across the canyon like big dark amoebas.

At the end of the day it is always difficult to choose which pictures to include in the blog, especially when the subject is as breathtaking as this.

Yup, a stop at the Grand Canyon is always wonderful!


  1. spectacular - it doesn't even seem real.

  2. You got some amazing photographs. So hard to show the beauty of the canyon in a picture.

  3. You make my heart ache... not for the time I've SEEN and BEEN there, but when I was in 3rd grade and our teacher played the Grand Canyon Suite... and I heard the clompity clomp of the mules and heard the raindrops and SAW the rainbow as the sun shined again. Been many many years ago that that music inspired me to go there and see it all myself.... but your photos bring it back. So nice, thank you!

  4. Love the Grand Canyon, but haven't seen much of the South Rim, it was very crowded last October. I need to get back there someday.

  5. Wonderful pictures, especially your cover picture.

  6. Beautiful, beautiful pictures!


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