
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I Promise!

I promise to start writing travel posts again soon. 

Several nights ago I spent several hours crafting a nice summary post about all the things we did with our grandsons during the five weeks we spent in San Diego. Then poof! I must have hit the wrong key and it all went away.  I was so tired and frustrated I could not redo it!

We have left San Diego and are on our own again.

We spent the last two nights at casinos.

Sunday overnight at Indio Casino
And Monday in the parking lot of the casino near Los Algodones, in Winterhaven.

After getting our teeth cleaned in Mexico we drove to Casa Grande, Arizona, for an early arrival at the annual National Alfa Owners Club Rally.  We will be here for ten days, and I probably won't post much about the social activities, catered dinners, pot lucks, breakfast get-togethers, games, classes, and vendor sessions.

I know we will be very busy and having lots of fun! 


  1. We missed you by a couple weeks in Los Algodones @ the casino. We also had our teeth cleaned and for the first time in my life, had a filling replaced and NO novacaine! Don't you just love the beggars at the border? NOT

    1. Nan, I may be older than you and/or I lived in a less-advanced past of the country. When I started having my teeth filled at about age 10, our Milwaukee dentist didn't believe in novocain. He filled more than 20 of my teeth without a bit of pain-killer, at about 3 fillings per day for many days. Since then I have always been able to endure any dental procedure by comparing it in my mind to those long-ago torture sessions.

  2. Great Owl photo & yes I do know about that 'poof' factor. I lost several fully completed posts last summer like that & I still have no idea how it happened. Extremely frustrating to say the least. All that work suddenly all gone!!

  3. Love that Owl pic and yes I too have had a Poof moment..Computer Gremlins?

  4. Merikay - for some reason, I decided to check your blog today to see where you were. Any chance you will make it to Tucson to see us? Terry

  5. Understand the Poof factor totally, had it happen last week.\hate. I see you are staying in Palm Creek, friends of ours winter over there and love the park. Have fun at the rally.

  6. Casinos? Did you gamble?!? Oh, I do miss that vice of mine of sitting at the roulette wheel at the Indian casinos. It was such fun, and occasionally lucrative. Given that the longer one plays at the casino, the more one loses, it's probably better I'm in a country with no legal gambling.

    1. Casinos are free overnight parking, and sometimes we'll stop in for a meal. Gambling, no.


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