
Thursday, June 11, 2015


I'm not sure how much I will be posting this week, and when I do, how many pictures I will include.  This is because our internet connection is miserably slow, when it makes connection at all! 

The title of this post is JELLO because of that old RV saying: "RV plans are written in Jello, always some wiggle room."

When we were in Flagstaff we had some overheating problems when pulling up the longer grades. We had it checked, almost had some service at a Freightliner Center, but after an unpleasant wait decided to try some DIY cleaning of the radiator and a new air cleaner at a different shop instead. That helped some, but not enough, and despite careful downshifting we have continued to see the needle on the temperature gage climb to the 3/4 mark.  Not fun!

So ... we have decided to "bite the bullet" and have another Freightliner service center look at it and if they agree that dropping and flushing the radiator is the thing to do we will go for it. We first tried to get an appointment at Charlie's, a Salt Lake area RV dealer that is known to do good work on Alfa's, but the wait was too long. The Salt Lake Freightliner Oasis Center can get us in on Wednesday, June 17th.

That's OK. 

Note: Freightliner Truck Centers concentrate on trucks, and although they will service RVs, truck work will sometimes be put ahead of Motorhomes in the schedule. That is what happened to us in Flagstaff.  FL Centers showing the Oasis seal are supposed to treat RVers with equal priority, plus we should get a 5% discount as members of the Freightliner Owners Club.

With this in mind, I have cancelled our reservations at Bear Lake for next week, and plan on staying here for an extra day. We will then drive over to Salt Lake City and overnight in the service center parking lot so we can be available for our 8 AM appointment.

Meanwhile, we have been enjoying the intense green and the real trees (taller than ankle level) in the area. We hope to get a few walks in yet this week, but rain is predicted for several days. Although our Verizon signal is not strong, we have a clear view of the southern sky so Craig can enjoy the Women's World Cup soccer broadcasts.

Here is one picture from one of our walks:

The trail took us across a hillside that overlooked the State Park Golf Course.

I may post again in the next week, or I may not. We are alive and well surrounded by large LDS families. The children seem pretty and well behaved.


  1. I feel your pain! When we were marooned in Kanab, the shop owner mentioned that Freightliner in Utah are the best places for service. Hopefully things will go well for you and go quickly. We're heading to Moab tomorrow where it is hot, hot, hot. Good maintenance and safe travels.

  2. I love the area you're at.... Fish Springs NWR is about 100 miles SW of SLC.... a great place for migratory birds. Sorry for your troubles and hope they're "cured" soon.

  3. Yes, hope your issue gets resolved! What a beautiful area to be in!

  4. Hope your issue is being resolved!! At least you are in a beautiful area to be in while you are delayed for a period of time.

  5. I hope your rig issues get resolved soon. At least you're in a beautiful area...


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