
Monday, July 6, 2015

First Trip into Yellowstone

As "sensible" people, we chose not to go into Yellowstone over the 4th of July weekend, but I really didn't want to wait any longer, so we planned on taking our first exploratory drive into the park on Monday. As luck would have it, our Alfa neighbors, Betty and Joe asked us if we wanted to go with them to the park to see their favorite geyser go off. We learned that the park posts probable eruption time windows. Of course we were delighted to have experienced guides to take us in for the first time. And since the eruption time window was four hours long, we had good company to chat with as we sat on the benches waiting.

Grand geyser
Somehow, none of the pictures we took of the Grand Geyser really captures the power of the event, nor the height to which the water and steam shot from the ground. It is now one of my Yellowstone goals to get the best geyser picture we can.  Much like our friend Judy set out to capture the best hummingbird shot!

We also saw numerous still, or almost still hot pools. Some were springs, and some were "resting" geysers. I'm not sure which these two were.

The colors and clarity of the water was amazing. 

Not far into the park, our first Yellowstone bison came ambling down the road. He sure was big, and very fat and healthy looking.  We were afraid he might fall asleep while walking down the road.

He just ignored our car. Except for a quick glimpse of a herd some distance away on our drive out, this was the only one we saw. Betty told us they are mostly in another part of the park at this time of the year. I'm sure we'll see many more.

The only other wildlife we spotted were two marmots on the hillside behind Grand Geyser. We just have to keep our eyes open. We do plan on taking some hikes into areas where there aren't quite as many people, and expect more sightings there.

Speaking of people, it wasn't as crowded as I expected. Some parking lots were jammed full, but others had spaces open. The other people waiting for the geyser eruption were pleasant and also there to enjoy the park.

A very nice day indeed.


  1. Yeah! So glad you had your neighbors to head out with and missed some of the crowds! Keep taking those photos!

  2. Love your photos... especially that bison.... Aren't the colors of those pools fantastic!

  3. Great pictures! I am looking forward to following your exploration of Yellowstone over the next few weeks. :)

  4. Isn't Yellowstone beautiful? I hope you get the opportunity to see a grizzly bear.

  5. A hunt for the best photo is noble indeed! I look forward to seeing what you get. Very exciting to be there.

  6. Ha..I remember our first trip. I told my husband they need to "clean this place up".! He said they are not allowed to move any of the dead stuff


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