
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Fire in Glacier - Aug 5

We arrived at our campground, Johnsons of St. Mary, at about 1:30 in the afternoon. We had seen the smoke from the Reynolds fire in the distance as we drove in and were relieved that it looked relatively minor, and quite distant. We checked in, noted that the air was reasonably smoke free and after getting set up went off to the St. Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National Park to pick up some information and watch the two park movies. 

When we returned to our rig we hardly noticed the smoke cloud in the distance and went in to enjoy our evening meal.

As the sun began to set, Craig urged me to go out and see if I could capture any sunset pictures.  

Much to my surprise, the small smoke cloud seemed to be a bit bigger than in the afternoon. 

There were a number of other campers out watching the smoke and we all agreed it seemed to be growing as we watched.

No one seems to be particularly concerned. We can tell the fire is really quite far from the campground, so we are not worried about our own safety, but are concerned that if the wind should shift we will be in line of the smoke.

As night fell we had no answers, and everyone just wandered back to their RVs. 

As I mentioned above, we don't seem to be in any danger, but sleep might be difficult tonight.

I will post again in the morning if there is any news.


  1. Oh, that does not look good. I hope you will be okay.

  2. Hope it does not head your way. Be safe!

  3. It got very smoky here on Monday and we thought it was from the Glacier fire, but apparently it was from the fires in eastern Washington. Glad you were still able to get into St Mary's campground. We'll be in Glacier on the 20th to start exploring!

  4. I'm sure hoping the fire stays away from your campground. But I also suggest you be ready to head out if need be. Lots to do in that area so have fun.

  5. Is there someone who stays up to keep an eye on the sky? I'd be a bit scared, but then again I'm a huge worrywort.

  6. The fire looks too close for comfort to me.

  7. I love the east side of Glacier! Many Glacier is my favorite place in the park - gorgeous.


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