
Saturday, August 15, 2015


Waterton is the Canadian part of the combined Glacier/Waterton park. Because the smoke from the second Glacier fire seemed to be building, we drove up there on Monday. It is about sixty miles from St. Mary.  

On the way I saw a bear!

It was not in the park, it was not early morning or late evening. After six weeks of watching for one, I finally saw a bear. He was in the ditch alongside the highway. We speculate he was looking for huckleberries as they are beginning to ripen here. No picture, we were driving along at 65 mph. You just have to take my word for it. I saw a bear!

The "jewel" of Waterton is the Prince of Wales Hotel. As with the other large lodges, it was originally built by the railroad to provide luxury accommodations for their rich tourist travelers. 

Tables were set and ready for the service of afternoon tea. We were a bit early, and so did not indulge. I wish we had planned our special dinner to have been here. Oh well, another reason to come back someday. 

I don't know why I am so fascinated by these large chandeliers that seem to grace each of the lodges. Each is unique and in harmony with the space they illuminate. They are sculptures in the air above.

Waterton is not very big. There is an RV park, but most of the rigs we saw were smaller.

After eating our home-packed ham sandwiches while sitting in the shade, overlooking the little marina, we took a leisurely stroll along the lake. 

Although the air was reasonably clear in Waterton, there was a lot of smoke coming up from the south. We were told that in previous days they had also had some smoke from the Washington fires.

On our walk, we went along the lake in one direction and through the small village area coming back. Although it seemed like the usual collection of tourist gift shops, it was nice to see some other merchandise than what is offered in the US. Lots of maple flavored candy and tea sets. More mittens and warm sweaters too. 

Our US Senior park pass was not accepted at the Canadian entrance of the park, so Craig paid with a $20 US bill. We got a little more than $12 Canadian back. This gave us the perfect excuse to indulge in double scoops of lovely ice cream. Not that we ever need an excuse for that! And I wonder why I don't lose weight.

Once again we had a very nice and interesting day.  

AND ... I saw a bear!


  1. Did you have to take your passports with you in order to see that part of the park?

  2. The only time we have seen a bear was near Waterton.

  3. Waterton was on our list to see in 2013 but was all booked up so we went to Banff. Good reason for another trip, and we'll be saving up to eat in that dining room! What a view.

  4. I think I got a geocache on the Canadian side at that location... loved seeing the hotel... and loved seeing it all again through your eyes.


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