
Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Well, we did it.

We put ourselves on the Jojoba wait list for an opportunity to buy a membership in the co-op. We have read all the paperwork, bylaws, and history of the place, and think we understand how it all works. You do not buy a deeded lot. You buy a membership that allows you to "adopt" a lot as your own. There is a complex, but straightforward system for adopting a lot. All lots have the same nominal value, but some are more desirable than others.

We are #20 on the wait list. When a lot becomes available, it is first offered to current members. If they want to move from the lot they are on, they have ten days to put themselves on a list. Whoever has been there the longest gets the lot, their current lot goes up for "adoption," and the process is repeated.  If none of the current members want to move to a lot, it is offered to the wait list people one at a time, until it is claimed. If you are on the wait list, you can pass three times, for any reason, without losing your place on the list. But after passing three times, you are put on the bottom of the list and are not called for at least 30 days. If you want to remove your name from the wait list, the total cost is a $100 administration fee. 

We are told there are some people who are on the list, but not quite ready to buy in, for either personal or financial reasons. In fact, we are not in a big hurry either. We are told there is usually more turn over in spring. In the last few years, many of the founding members have been leaving as they are getting into their 80's and 90's. Jojoba is not an assisted-living community. In fact, as part of the purchase contract, a buyer agrees that when they reach a point where they are no longer physically able to care for themselves and mentally competent, other living arrangements must be made. The members do help each other a great deal, but all understand they cannot stay  if they become infirm. It seems that spring is a time to move on. Someone told me that 36 lots have turned over this year. 

When we started on this adventure, I never thought I would want to have another "permanent" home base. One of the things I was trying to get away from was the need to return to, and support, a sticks and bricks house. 

Many full time RVers go back to the same winter park year after year. But as we have reviewed our options for the winter, we find we are not drawn to the wall-to-wall RV parks in Arizona. Nor are we attracted to boondocking out in the desert for months on end. We are not golfers, and really don't want to pay for the maintenance of a golf course. 

There are many features that attract us to Jojoba Hills. One of the biggest draw for me is that it is a reasonable distance to San Diego, where our daughter and grandsons live. Close enough that we will be able to drive down for a holiday, special event, or even just a weekend. This winter we are spending a month in San Diego at the Mission Bay RV park. It is an expensive parking lot, but it is close to where they live. We will be back on the road in January. 

When we do get a lot at Jojoba, it does not in any way mean we will stop our travels. We plan on spending some of the winter months here, and going on the road for the rest of the year. We still have so many places to see, but the thought of a home base is good too. 

 Especially one we don't have to maintain or pay taxes on!

Where do you spend your winters?

[From Craig]  You know those knitted caps that people wear in winter?  In Wisconsin and elsewhere, we called them "stocking caps" even though we never saw stockings made out of similar material.  I'm currently reading a book that has people wearing "toboggans" on their heads, which for me leads to pretty fun images but is meant to designate the same kind of headwear.  Also one of our grandchildrens' au pairs was Canadian and called the same kind of cap a "tuque" which she pronounced "tewk".  Other names for similar caps around the world are "knit caps" and "watch caps".  Other terms for such caps are "beanies" and "skull caps", but in my experience these terms are also used to describe the Jewish yarmulke or kippah.  Do you suppose we have enough names for such caps? :-)


  1. From what you (and others) have written, that sounds like a very good place. I'm sure decisions like that take a lot of time and thought... and it sounds like you've done your homework. As for Craig's cap info... in Ohio as a kid both stocking cap and toboggan were used for the same kind of knit cap... only often a stocking cap would be quite long... long enough to wrap the top part around your neck and use as a muffler (scarf). Now.... you have me thinking of other multiple uses of words... in this case muffler does NOT mean to keep a person from speaking ;-)

  2. Seems like a good place to return to now and then, and you can set up all your "stuff" aka doctors and such locally and have somewhere that you know you can be to get mail, order big things, handle doctors and dentists and all that. Nice and congratulations. Seems like a good idea, and besides, you have Judy around! We loved staying at Mission Bay. As you said, an expensive "parking lot", but still great access to San Diego great biking and walking and lots to see and do right around there. For a big city, it was the best. Have fun. Maybe we will see you sometime this winter.

  3. congrats on your 'new purchase'..hope you move up the list quickly!
    as for the 'hat issue' canadians call them 'toques'...and yes, they are adorning our heads the past few days..just a tad chilly here in Osoyoos!

  4. Sounds like a good decision to get on the waiting list at Jojoba Hills. I grew up in Iowa and we always called them stocking caps. Maybe it's named that because stockings (and caps) both used to be made out of wool?

  5. Looks like a great place. I read all the books written by The Silver Gypsy, Charlene Minshall and she purchased an Escspees lot in AZ her 1st year out, but was a full timer for almost 20 years before moving to the lot. A home base is a good idea.

  6. we call the toques here too. I'm just across the river from Quebec where the term likely originated.

    I think having somewhere to drop anchor every now and again is a good idea. And that sounds like the perfect place to do so. My fingers are crossed that you have something nice by next winter!

  7. Thanks for the info on Jojoba, Merikay; very interesting. I'm wondering if your lot can be rented out when you're away and, if so, how does that work?

  8. We may visit Jojoba sometime next fall or winter, looks like a lovely place, and we have several friends there. Craig, at Amazon there is a lot of apparel, and lots of different hats. I pick skull caps, watch caps, and other such things. They all look the same to me, but it must depend on what part of the country they go to!

  9. That's exciting that you have your name on the Jojoba waiting list. Every time we go there we consider it, too, but just not sure that's where we want our home base. We love the concept, though, and know several people there, but I guess we're just not ready yet.
    And where I grew up in PA we called them stocking caps, too!

  10. I like the concept, a lot. We're just not crazy about the area. We hike and bicycle and there is not much of that locally. So, we return to Tucson for the winters. When no one is recovering for surgery or accidents it's a great place to ride a bicycle. Drivers don't try to kill you and there is a great bike trail system that is separated from the roads. There is also hiking. It's a nice, low key place to be for a few months. Given what the weather is doing elsewhere, we're happy to be here.


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