
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Just Checking In, and Happy Birthday Craig

We are still at Mission Bay RV Park in San Diego. 

We spent five nights staying at our daughter's lovely home with our two grandsons while she and her husband took a quick trip to Switzerland for a conference. With all that has been going on in the world, I was not happy to see them flying to Europe, but all went well and their trip was safe and uneventful.

While they were gone, one of my "duties" was to take our younger grandson, age 12, to participate with his school team in the "First Lego Robotics" competition at Legoland. The team did well winning an award for "professionalism."

Unfortunately, I seemed to have picked up a nasty cold germ that day as well. All those children touching door handles and sneezing!  I like children, but it seems that whenever I get near large groups of small ones I get sick. I thought I was safe since my grands are 12 and 15, but Legoland is a breeding ground for child-borne germs!

Can you tell I'm really feeling lousy with this the first cold I've had in two years?

Today is Craig's birthday.

We are going shopping for a new phone and having dinner with our daughter and family.  

Hope I don't spread the cold. 


  1. happy birthday to Craig!..
    we have been sick too..feel your pain!

  2. Better have your fire extinguisher ready for that cake! ;)

  3. Hey, Merikay, do you use LiveWriter? If so, that is encouraging. Sorry you picked up a cold. Yeah, kids do that to me as well it seems. I guess we just aren't around little kids enough to have immunity to their stuff. Then again, I haven't had a cold in forever.

    1. Mac users don't have LiveWriter. We have only occasional problems using Blogger's posting tool.

  4. OH YES and HAPPY BIRTHDAY< Craig!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Craig. We aren't around little ones anymore and we don't get sick very often. Fingers crossed. Feel better soon.

  6. Happy birthday Craig! I hope it was a day filled with all that you love.

    Getting sick sucks. I, also, am not around smalls to pick up germs (touch wood). Drink plenty of fluids ;-)

  7. WoooHooo... Happy Birthday Greg! Lots of candles... many years of good times and much love. So happy for you. Yes I know about getting sick nearly every time we're around little kids... guess it goes with the territory. Hope you're both doing well.

  8. Happy birthday Craig. Kevin's birthday is close to yours, on Dec. 10. Have a very Merry Christmas with your family. How great that you get to spend some extended time with them. We visited Borrego Springs yesterday based on your posts from when you stopped there. I wrote a post about it yesterday.

  9. Happy Birthday, Craig! Love your cake - there are enough candles to heat my motor home. LOL

    Merikay, I hope you are feeling better soon - there's not much worse than a bad cold. Especially when visiting.

  10. Thanks for all the good wishes. They worked, as it was one of my best-ever birthdays, with an actual party with people and presents. Judy and Barbara, that was not actually my cake, just a conflagration that Merikay found on the Internet. My final present was that I've caught Merikay's cold, sniffle!

  11. Happy birthday, Craig. Such a day this is. I had one recently, Nov 16, and I understand the notion. Happy to celebrate, happy to get a gift or two, happy to remember bdays of years past, happy to (be able) to consider the alternative. :) Enjoy!!!


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