
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Now for the rest of the story ...

Drone picture of Alfa Roadrunner rigs at 2016 Quartzsite Rally

Before we came to Quartzsite, ten days boondocking in the desert seemed like a very long time. But, even though we really have not done very much away from camp, the days have just zipped by. My foot is slowly getting better. I continue to spend most of my time with my foot up.

Colored with PRISMACOLOR pencils
in Adult Color Book: Stress Relieving Animal Designs.
Purchased both on Amazon

Thank goodness for my new-found coloring book hobby! It has really helped pass the time.

On Friday some of the ladies had a craft show and tell. It was wonderful to see the creative things they have been making. I shared my color books and was surprised by the complements and questions. I was asked if I would do a class about color and materials at the upcoming Alfa National Rally. Unfortunately we will not be going to it this year. I felt flattered by the idea that I could advise anyone. For me, coloring is a natural act. Choosing color combinations is not a challenge. I don't really plan, it just happens, and if the results aren't pleasing to me, I just move on.

Sticking to a healthy eating program is impossible at a rally like this, with nightly pot luck meals. Knowing this, my only goal for January was to cut out drinking wine. I am pleased that I have been successful. Not a drop of wine to drink since New Years morning when I hand one Mimosa with champagne.

February is going to be salad month. No wine, and a nice salad with a low-cal dressing as a starter for every dinner. I know it will be a good way to help myself eat a little less fattening food for dinner. I am really trying to change my eating and drinking habits for life! I like salads, I just have to eat them more often.

Potatoes roasting in campfire at Quartzsite Roadrunner Rally

Speaking of rally food, one of the nights we had a potato pot luck. Everyone brought a potato, a topping, and a side to share. All tasty, but not very low carb or calorie foods.

George Y. and Barbara D. at the Bloggerfest 2016

Saturday we had get togethers in the afternoon and in the evening!

George was one of the coordinators of the second annual Quartzsite Bloogerfest. 

Thank you, it was fun to meet so many of our good friends for the first time and say hello to some of those we have met on the road. 

Other bloggers who have posted pictures from the day include Al and Kelly from The Bayfield Bunch  and George and Susie from Our Awesome Travels. People pictures don't seem to work well for us, so if you want to see some more of this group check them out.

Saturday night was the last Pot Luck with the Roadrunner group. We all wore our official red shirts. Craig and I missed getting back in time for the group picture, but here it is anyway.

Alfa Roadrunner Group Photo at Quartzsite January 2016

We enjoyed spending time with them.

So, where to now?

On Monday we will be heading down to Yuma to spend three nights at the Fortuna De Oro RV, Golf and Country Club Resort. We picked up a coupon at the Big Tent, for a free three night stay there. We have been assured by friends that there are no hidden strings attached. 

After that we will be heading to Tucson.

Check back for updates!


  1. Looks like you had a great time in the desert!!.. Enjoy the full hookups!!

  2. So fun to finally meet you yesterday. Glad you were at Blogger Fest.

  3. It was so nice to meet you!! I never did talk with Craig, but glanced his way quite a few times, then got distracted. Next year... Your coloring pages are gorgeous - what a great hobby for you, and you found it at the right time. Keep healing - see you down the road. :) (Thanks for posting that nice photo of George and me! I'm going to copy it and send it to my kids if that's okay with you. I never get pics of myself.)

  4. Gosh! It looks like a fantastic time and how wonderful to meet all those people. Fun to put faces to names. What was the dry camping like? How did you manage your tanks over such a long period?

  5. Looks like you had a great time... do you own the drone with the camera? Those look like fun!

    1. No. The owner printed a bunch of pix and handed them out to everyone. Then we scanned it so we could use it here. I bought one for our grandson, but the first day it had a decided list to one side.

  6. I spotted your sweatshirt in a pic on Al and Kelly's blog, so I knew you were there! LOL

  7. You do have a talent with color. Would have loved to attend the blogger get-together. Hope they continue to do this, maybe I'll make it out that way next year.

  8. So glad the you were here a was great to finally meet you.
    We started the healthy eating almost 2 years ago feel great and I lost 50 lbs, it is a bit of a lifestyle change and really works for us no problem, actually love it !
    Good luck

  9. Looks like so much fun! I've been enjoying my coloring in the guard shack, albeit with old fashioned crayons and a child's coloring book. Don't care, because I don't mind throwing away my creations afterwards, lol.

  10. It was fun being with you, Susan and I hope to come across you again down the road

  11. It was nice getting to meet you and Craig at the Bloggerfest and talk for a few minutes. Love your colored pictures, nice hobby.

    I usually try not to stick my nose in or give people advice but just some "food" for thought. Look at the labels on low calorie vs. regular salad dressing. There are less calories but most times you will find more salt and carbs.

    Safe Travels.

    Celebrating the Dance

  12. It was nice to finally get to meet you both. Hope your foot heals quickly and you'll be out of that boot!

  13. You may well already be a member of this and that's ok. I just know you could sell the beejeebers out of your animal heads in miniature.

  14. Sorry I forgot to post the link.


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