
Friday, January 8, 2016

Still toothless, but Color Crazy

I known, I know, my header image is yet another beautiful sunset at my daughter's house. I did find that by the end of our time there I was no longer stopping to look in awe. I guess it's a good thing to have to go away from such a beautiful place so I appreciate it more when I return!

I was quite surprised at how many of my blog friends are also enjoying, or thinking about trying the new "fad" of adult coloring books. 

I ordered some Prismacolor pencils from Amazon today. I can't help but smile to be able to "play" after all the years creating things to sell.  No one to please but me!

And of course I got caught by another book, even though I promised myself I was going to do all of the Mandala before buying another one! But I just couldn't resist "Animals".

My booted foot is doing well. It is now two weeks, and there is hardly any discomfort. I will continue to wear it as long as I feel even the slightest twinge. The doctor said two to three weeks, but I have heard that others have needed longer.

Los Algodones, Mexico, dental work:
It turned out I had much less work done on this visit than I anticipated. I knew I was returning much earlier than they recommended to get my permanent tooth for the implant, and when they did an x-ray it showed that not enough bone had regrown.  If they tried to put the tooth in now it could cause problems, so I will be waiting for a while. I'm not sure how that will fit with our travel plans, but I will get it done eventually.  I'm glad they told me to wait longer, because that tells me they want to do it right and not just make money because I'm there. I will not be charged until the work is done. 

So, I decided to only have three of the seven crowns I need replaced at this time. It will give me some space to evaluate the results. Besides, I still have a bit of a cough, and sitting in a dental chair is very difficult. I took lots of medicine, but I still felt a tickle and had to fight the urge to cough. 

I had the preliminary work done Tuesday, and since I choose zirconium crowns, we have to wait a few days. Everything seems to have gone well and I have no discomfort.

The only really unpleasant part of Mexican dentistry is the long waits. Appointments are made, but don't seem to have much meaning. Best to start early in the day and plan on not being done until afternoon. But then, we are retired, so what else do we have to do? I'm willing to wait in order to save thousands!

Total cost for three crown replacements was $1350. That wouldn't cover one in the US! This was for the top priced type, I could have paid less.  (There was a guy hawking $140 per crown out in the parking lot, I wonder if they are done in the alley?)

I was finished and we were on our way just past one. We are now settled in our next location that was only 98 miles away. 

We are at the Fountain of Youth RV Spa and Resort. I'll write more about it in my next post, but for now we are safe and happy.


  1. Just can't ever have too many beautiful sunsets. I would love to see one again if the rain and clouds would go away.

  2. I purchased several of those coloring books and pencils and was so excited to try them. However, the tiny little coloring spaces were too hard for me to see and I lost patience. I went to Walmart and bought some kids coloring books and crayons and that worked better for me LOL! Guess my eyes are just shot. Hope you continue to have fun with that craft. Love the beautiful sunset.

  3. Have you ever actually stayed at an RV park in Mexico? I imagine there are quite a few.

  4. oh boy... dentist with a cold/cough. that's no fun for sure. It is wonderful that you have the option for such cheap dental work. It is a long drive to Mexico from here - would negate any savings ;-)

  5. My dentist used to call me Queen because of all my crowns, but I think you've got me beat!

  6. I truly hope you have good luck with your dental work in Mexico...I thought I read earlier and it said something about making them in the alleys? Which brought something to dentist does lots of volunteer work in Mexico and he told me he has actually seen them doing the sterilization of the equipment in the alleys and that 25% of his work is trying to fix the work that people have done in Mexico.

    1. Merikay was kidding about making stuff in the alleys. She is having the Mexicans fix the work that she has had done in the US. It may be that 25% of all dentists' work is fixing previous work that didn't work out.

      OTOH, I've been pleased to flop around the country and have various dentists look in my mouth and say "ooh, this is good stuff!". They're not complementing me, rather my past dentists...

  7. I've heard some bad reports from Mexican dental work, and Aint for City Gals confirms some of that, but I say, there are many dentists in the U.S. that do poor work so why not try if you are saving thousands?


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