
Monday, February 29, 2016

A Nice Week on South Padre Island

Our week at Isla Blanca on South Padre Island slipped by very quickly and restfully. The weather was sweet, except for one night when we had some pretty strong wind and choose to sleep with the slides pulled in.  (I get the short end of this, as the bedroom slide closes onto my side of the bed.)

One of the days we drove over to Brownsville and visited the Sabal Palm Sanctuary. It is reputed to be a wonderful place to see lots of kinds of birds.  We saw a Great Horned Owl that was nesting in the large palm tree next to the plantation house.  They had a scope set up so people could get a look at her. The restored rooms of the house were also quite elegant and a pleasure to walk through.

There are some lovely trails that wind around the palm forest and have a variety of benches and bird viewing blinds that the birders use.

In many ways it reminded me of some of the lovely places we visited in Florida a couple of years ago. There was even some Spanish Moss in the trees. We kept our walk short to favor my foot, but we recommend it as a nice day trip from the island area.

On another day we drove all the way up the beach to the shipping channel. About 30 miles. And once again enjoyed the sea air and beautiful surf.

Going north we spotted this guy sitting high on a dune, and when we drove back we saw him (or another?) gliding over the waves. There were also a lot of pelicans and other sea birds about. 

Saturday we took a two hour dolphin watch boat ride. (No pictures worth sharing!) And on Sunday we went out for a wonderful brunch at the Beach Side Cafe. 

Life is good!

I think of the many cold Februraries we spent in Wisconsin and am so glad we are not there now. Nor, for that mater, do I wish we were back in our California house. If we were, we would probably be discussing the next fix-up project instead of making plans for a visit to the National Seashore in Corpus Christi.

I am writing this post as we cruise along in the Alfa. I wonder what our spot in Mission TX will look like, and what new experiences we will have.  Good I hope.


  1. wonderful! I wonder if that heron is the one that will live in my backyard for the summer?

  2. Hope you're planning to stay at Bentsen Palm Village. It's the nicest RV park in the Mission area, and you will love all the birds at the state park.
    When did you guys put your names on the Jojoba list, and how many times have you been called since? We're still debating...

  3. We put our names on Jojoba's list in November, and have been called (and passed) twice since.

  4. You are having too much fun there. What we love about the lifestyle is never knowing what the next place will be like.

  5. No dolphins? On the cruise. Did you go with the Dolphin Whisperer? Will you be camping at the National Seashore?

    1. There were a few dolphins, but they seemed to want to get away from the boat. We have been on some where the dolphins jump and play with the boats. It was a pretty overcast day, maybe they didn't like the weather.

  6. How is your foot doing? If you need a new boot, they sell them on Amazon (of course) and for much less than our insurance company was billed for Jim's. I hope this will hurry up and heal, when the feet go south it's not good.

    1. Merikay saw another podiatrist a while back, and he said that her good hiking boots are just as good as the big plastic boot by then. We are going north tomorrow so her feet will come along :-)


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