
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Gulf Shores, Alabama Post #1

On our second day here at Gulf Shores State Park in Alabama, we decided to explore the beach. First we walked out along a fairly long boardwalk to the beach. The boardwalk protects the dunes from big tourist feet.

I guess I was feeling a bit artistic. I enjoyed just looking at the lines created by the grasses in the sand.

The sand on the beach was very white. As it turned out, walking on the beach sand bothered my foot and back, so we went back to the car and drove over to the pier you see in the distance in this picture.

I found my foot was quite OK walking on the level pier surface.   

There were a few pelicans on the pier that were quite tame.  This guy allowed me to come quite close to him. He was quite near the fish cleaning station and was waiting for hand outs from the fishermen.

This one was further along on the pier. This fisherman offered him a piece of bait, but he didn't take it. I wondered if he couldn't really see it.

However when the man dangled it above him, he quickly snatched it.

All along the pier there were lots of people fishing. Most didn't seem to be catching much.

But, these were two of four good size Sheepsheads one couple had caught. It was enough that I visited the fishing equipment shop on the pier to inquire about renting fishing gear and getting licenses for a day.  However, as we talked I learned that 6 AM was probably the best time to fish.  

I'm thinking it over. We will be here for two weeks.  But we are really NOT morning people.  We can buy fresh caught fish at a local shop!

We shall see.  Fishing?  Or sleeping in?  

Which would you do?


  1. No contest--sleep in! And the local shop can clean them for you too!

  2. Love the Gulf shores, have been there many times.
    i have never had luck fishing, but there is some good seafood stores and restaurants there. Love the beaches too.

  3. Our house would be divided - Jim fishing and me sleeping in.

  4. going to a restaurant and ordering the fish of the day - after a good long sleep-in of course!

  5. Fishing or sleeping in? Sleep in and buy the fish like you said!


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