
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Getting From the RV Park to New York City - Day 1, MoMA

We knew the train ride up to NYC would take about two hours, so we got up early enough to catch the 8:35 AM train. 

Unlike many of our RV friends, we are not early morning people. For me one of the worst things that can happen is to get lost or to be late, especially in the morning when our moods are not at their best. So, to forestall problems, I try to plan ahead as much as possible. Thank goodness for the internet!

When choosing our RV park, I found a map of the train stations on Long Island. Wildwood State Park is about 15 miles from the station at Port Jefferson.  I checked the station layout to see the free parking lot locations. They looked generous. Our first trip destination in New York City was MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art. I used the Trip Planner on the MTA web site to create an itinerary that gave us several options for departure times, each with a different transfer station. Even with this in hand we still need a bit of help from others once we got to Penn Station, because in addition to our first trip on the train, we took our first trip on the New York Subway.  We got help both from other passengers and from the ticket master. Once up on the street from the subway stop, we also were pointed in the right direction by a uniformed tour bus driver who was waiting for his passengers. 

We arrived at the Museum around 11 AM, and since we had skipped breakfast we were ready for a bite to eat. We choose the little 5th floor Terrace cafe.

I don't remember what this was called, but it consisted of a creamy, warm, savory custard surrounded by delicate spring greens, topped with saved parmesan cheesy and crunchy Pancetta  dressed with the most wonderful golden dressing.  Super Yum!
Craig had a wonderful classic Pate´ plate

What a fantastic way to start our afternoon at the MoMA!

I could fill this post with pictures of paintings and sculptures. Better to just share this one and tell you we enjoyed so many classics as we walked thru the Galleries. 

Van Gogh has always been a personal favorite of mine and to see this original was stirring. 

Art is good for the soul, and although the museum seemed full of people, it was still possible to lose oneself in some of the masterpieces and become somewhat unaware of those around us.

After several hours, even the view out the window became eye-candy with  the delicate free forms of the trees contrasted against the geometric hodgepodge of the city buildings.

At the end of the day, we had no problem taking the subway back to Penn Station, but finding the right train to take home proved to be a bit of a challenge. Luckily, once again another rider showed us the sign to watch for departure track information. We did make one mistake on our ride back. We missed our transfer station, which resulted in our having to get off the train, board a train going the other way, return to our transfer station and then catch the right train. 

No big deal, but the experience will make the next trip easier!

I know New York commuters do this every day, but we are just country bumpkins from the West! With all our new knowledge, maybe on our next ride we will help someone else.


  1. love Van Gogh. sounds like a great day.

  2. I'm with you. I spent decades getting up at 5:30 in the morning for work and I am done with that. Your day sounded wonderful. When we went to NYC we stayed at the Poughkeepsie KOA, parking at the train station was very difficult.

  3. NYC has so much to see. Good for you two for battling public transportation to enjoy all it has to offer.

  4. Sounds like a very interesting day you had, great experiences.

  5. Parmesan custard, artichoke, spring onion, crispy prosciutto - $16.

    Not a bad price for NYC.


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