
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Visiting Green Gables on Prince Edward Island

Before I tell you about our visit to the Anne of Green Gables Historic Site, I have to write about how happy I am to be on beautiful Prince Edward Island for a few days. I am a bit of a news junkie, and with all the tragic events that have occurred in the past few days, I find the peace of this place soothing. I feel no fear nor threats of violence in the air. I have also read that there is a giant heat wave threatening the Midwest during the upcoming week. The weather forecast here is for temperatures in the 70s all week. Just right!

When doing my research to help me decide where we were going to stay, Anne of Green Gables kept popping up. Although I was an avid reader as a teenager, I somehow missed reading the book. So I dowloaded it to my Kindle and really enjoyed the read! Craig has read it too.

Published in 1908, the simplicity of the story and the delightful characters speaks to readers of all ages. The author, L. M. Montgomery, created a character Anne that seems more life a real person than a fictional creation. 

I took my turn getting a picture taken with Anne.

She may be a fictional character, but the house is real. It was owned by Montgomery's relative when she was a child living nearby. She visited her cousins frequently. It has been preserved and is beautifully decorated in keeping with the period and with the descriptions in the book.

A peek into Anne's room feels like she will be back quite soon. Her rust-brown dress with puffy sleeves hangs ready to wear to go to the dance.

I was quite surprised by the intensely colored wall papers and carpet in the entry hall,  parlor and dining room. The outside of the houses seem so plain by comparison. But we were told these were the areas where company would be entertained.

The functional simplicity in the pantry and kitchen was in keeping with my impression of the plain lifestyle of the time. These were the work and family areas.

The story of Anne is just a part of the experience. After touring the "living" Green Gables house, we took a walk along the Haunted Woods trail to the location of the author's childhood home. The house no longer stands. It had been unoccupied for many years and was lost to decay. 

Part of the original foundation has been excavated, and is visible. Nearby there is a privately-owned visitor center and bookstore that is manned by a docent, who tells you more about the author.  

I will be reading more of her books. They make me feel good. I get too many bad feelings hearing about the real world.   

As I write this post, we are snacking on some wonderful Avonlea Cheddar Cheese, local country-style pate, and crackers. We will be grilling some fresh caught fish for dinner.

Life is hard when you live in an RV full-time.


  1. Oh I just had to comment and say how much I loved seeing the house! It has been decades since I've read the book, and now have to find it again. Great pics - love that old stove!! Finding a peaceful place with a good read is definitely a soothing balm.

  2. Glad you are enjoying PEI and the Anne of Gables is special ,the house still looks the same as I remember it from visiting the first time back in the '70's. The beaches on the island are wonderful too.

  3. Thanks for sharing makes me wish we were headed there.

  4. I'll be putting LM on my reading list, as you said, perfect for these turbulent times.

  5. I haven't read the book, but will definitely do so. I am totally enjoying following your travels this summer. You are visiting some of the places on my list for a few years from now, and I'm adding new ones each time you post!

  6. We want to visit PEI sometime, thanks for the info

  7. I, too, loved PEI and the Anne of Green Gables house... and I believe we also went to a theater production of the story. Yes... I can believe that just visiting here could instill peace in a a person's heart and soul. (just remember to take enough money with you to get back across the bridge ;-)


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