
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Morning Glorie Muffins and Pretty Flowers

Good morning!

In the Bayfield Bunch's last post, Al mentioned Morning Glory muffins.

Craig looked up the recipe and we made them for breakfast this morning. Yum! Strange, because Craig normally does not like carrot cake or cinnamon. I thought they were a bit on the sweet side, but good despite that.  

I have never been much of a baker, and because of the difficulties of keeping the bottom of things burning in an RV oven, I have not done much of it in the last three years. This time, I was successful  using foil-plus-paper cupcake liners and two sturdy cupcake tins.  I have also learned it takes a long time to pre-heat our oven, and usually almost double the baking time.  But, we now have enough muffins for several days.

[From Craig] If you decide to try these, please pre-taste your walnuts.  Ours were from WalMart and were somewhat bitter.  You would think a place named WalMart would have good walnuts!  🙂

As my readers know, I love flowers. Jojoba Hills is really beautiful right now:

The image above is along one of the roads in the park.

Many of the individual sites are also decked out with potted flower gardens.

Yes, you can see your neighbors rig, but there is plenty of room for plants.

Jojoba Hills is in a high desert area, so much of the common ground is devotet to cactus.  These are just across from our dining table window.

Finally, I leave you with one more delightful Jojoba Sunset as viewed from my kitchen window.

And, a new feature, the travel countdown:  

24 days to departure!


  1. The muffins sound delicious. The pictures of the flowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Pretty great kitchen window view.

  2. Gorgeous flowers. An incredible year of beauty after all the rain.

  3. Costco has the best walnuts, IMHO. One of the reasons I keep my membership

    1. It's frustrating to try to buy 1/2 cup of walnuts at Costco...

  4. 24 days! That will start to zoom by. Looking forward to hearing about the journey, and travel preps. What do you have to do to get back on the road?

  5. You can actually substitute other kinds of nuts for the Walnuts if you wish.
    Great pictures of the Flowers.
    You can keep the Blog going even if you are not traveling. Remember it is a Journal about what you are doing just like before you sold your home.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  6. Thank you for the great pictures of Jojoba. It looks like a very nice place to live.

  7. Wanted to pass on some RV oven advice which I picked up from Nina at "Wheeling It". As you know, RV ovens are notorious for uneven heat and the advice usually is to buy a pizza stone or some tiles to put in the oven, which works but usually ends up breaking in transit. Nina recommended a quarter-sheet Nordicware baking pan and silicone mat to fit the pan as a solution. I decided to buy both for our TT oven and it has worked out great. No burnt bottoms when baking/roasting, easy to clean, and goes along for the ride without breaking. I even use it in our sticks-and-bricks oven. Like you, I don't bake that much but anything that makes cooking easier works for me! Blessings!

  8. Morning glory muffins were one of my best sellers in my restaurant oh so tasty. Nice to hear from you again.

  9. WOW those Morning Glory Muffins look absolutely good enough to eat. Tell Craig to put a couple under his pillow for a midnight snack.

  10. I've heard the silcone cup cake liners are very good at keeping the bottom of thing from burning in a small oven. Cut cakes look amazing.

  11. We bought a small pizza stone at Walmart that fits onto the bottom shelf of our oven. It has been in there for a few years and has not cracked in all of our travels. It does a great job of evening out the oven temperature, and no more burnt bottoms.


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