
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The First Day of our Summer Travels!

We both woke up early and ready to go this morning.  The last minute jobs went quickly and we were out of the park by 8:30.

Of course when we were ten minutes down the road we thought of something we had forgotten to do! Neither of us had locked the shed. We have had a padlock on the door all winter, but most of the time we left it unlocked.  Rather than turn around, we called our neighbor and left him a message asking him to go lock it for us.  It's nice to have neighbors!

The drive to Bakersfield went smoothly. As hoped, the Alfa seems to be in good form.  Hope she stays that way!

Sometimes it does seem like our life is all about the food. Last night I watched an episode of "Diners and Dives" (a show about small unusual eateries throughout the USA) and they happened to be featuring the Moo Creamery in Bakersfield.

Since we had most of the afternoon free we decided to go and try one of their unusual specialities:  Bacon Ice Cream.

Yes, Bacon Ice Cream!  It was really delicious in a bacony sort of way. The ice cream was a smooth maple flavor and it was loaded with large chunks of sweet smoked bacon. 

If you are ever in Bakersfield California, and have a little extra time, stop in at the Moo Creamery and give it a try.

We are boondocking at Camping World tonight. I made a homemade split pea soup yesterday with the Honeybaked ham bone and we will be having leftovers for supper. The bacon ice cream was a nice appetizer.  



  1. Oh yeah the ice cream and split pea soup sounds awesome. Nice that you are back on the road again.

  2. O.K...Back on the road...Have fun!

  3. It seems we all forget something when we hit the road.
    That Ice Cream sounds like something I'd like to try.
    Be Safe and Enjoy you travels!

    It's about time.

  4. Hmm, I've seen Moo Creamery when we visit family there, but always go to Dewar's. Have to give that place a try!

  5. The icecream sounds wonderfully weird. Glad you are on the road again - I look forward to reading your posts about your journey. Stay safe.

  6. It is always exciting to be back out there even if it is Camping World.

  7. Glad you're out on the road again. Time for new adventures.


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