
Saturday, May 20, 2017


The Miracle of Cauliflower

Cauliflower is often considered one of the healthiest foods on earth, and there is good reason why. With its rich supply of health-promoting phytochemicals, high level of anti-inflammatory compounds, and ability to ward off cancer, heart disease, brain disease, and even weight gain, it seems there isn’t much cauliflower can’t do. From the Web

As a child, I had to eat cauliflower, but never liked the soggy boiled version my mother served. Now I'm getting to be a real fan of this readily available vegetable.

The following is an easy, but really good recipe I found in a magazine.

Baked Cauliflower Steaks
1 medium cauliflower head
2 eggs
splash of milk or water
1 1/2 cup panko
1/2 cup grated Parmesan Cheese
1/4 tsp. paprika
salt and pepper

parchment lined baking sheet

Trim leaves and stem off cauliflower, but do not core
with core side down, cut from top to bottom 1 inch "planks"
Cut the larger planks in half thru the core. Trim any medium size sections that come off so they are 1 inch in thickness.

Whisk eggs and water or milk together.

In a larger pan or bowl mix panko, cheese, paprika, salt and pepper together.

Dip cauliflower into egg mixture and then into panko mix. Coat both sides.

Place on parchment lined baking sheet.

Bake in pre-heated 400° oven for about 25-30 minutes.

I turned them after 10 minutes, and at 20 minutes turned the oven down to 300° because they were getting done before I was ready to serve.

I didn't take a picture, but this one off the Web looks pretty much like what I ended up with.

I liked it as a great substitute for potatoes and/or other vegetables. 

I have also made it on the grill. I put just a splash of olive oil and minced garlic and chunked cauliflower in a plastic bag, and shook it before roasting the it on a grill pan. (I took it out of the plastic bag 😜)

Happy cooking! 


  1. I love it raw but now I need to do some cooking too. Thank you.

  2. Love cauliflower, but hadn't seen this recipe. We will give it a try; thanks!

  3. Thank you for the recipe. I am going to try it this week.

  4. Through lots of computer changes I lost your blog address. So glad I found it agian. I love cauliflower and this recipe sounds wonderful. thank You for sharing

  5. Merikay: This is Dr. Bennett, pediatrician, formerly of Los Gatos, now just north of Spokane, Washington, a proud owner of five of your original crocheted animal heads, which continue to adorn one of my examination rooms. Not a week passes that one of my patients or their mothers doesn't ask me "Who made these amazing animals?" I simply answer, "Merikay MacKenna." Anytime you pass near to us on the eastern part of Washington State, please call me and come see some of your old friends, who are just 'hanging around' my office. 509-292-2001 Have a great summer.


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