
Friday, May 5, 2017

Going out of our way to see the Fruit Loop Blooming Orchards

On our first trip along the Columbia River some years ago, we stopped at the Bonneville Dam, the fish hatchery, and Multnomah Falls, all of which are on the Oregon side. This time we drove east on the Washington side, and I must say the highway was narrower and a bit more difficult.  We were glad to see the Hood River bridge, but it was a very narrow two lane bridge, and we actually scraped the side of the Alfa on its side guard rail while avoiding a very large truck coming the other way. We think it was over the yellow line! Good thing the rail was strong!

While doing my research of things to do and see, I became aware that we could be in Hood River during the spring blossoming of the orchards in the area. They call a 35 mile route around the valley the Fruit Loop. 

As soon as we settled the Alfa at our RV spot, we drove over to Hood River to the drive.

After many days of rain and gloomy skies, we were lucky to arrive on a beautifully sunny day. The blossoms don't last very long. Some were just beginning to open, some were past prime, but many were still in their full glory. 

I was surprised that I did not see lots of bee hive boxes. Perhaps they were just in places not visible from the roads. It sure looked like a big pollenation job.

I know they grow pears, apples and cherries, but I'm not sure which trees were which. We did see a few pink blossoms in addition to all these rows and rows of white.

In places the flowering orchards stretched far up the hillsides. Some of the best views weren't near good parking spots. 

I'm not sure what these crops are, but they were blooming too.

On our way back into town, we took a turn-out road up to a place called Panoramic Point. While we could not see any of the fruit orchards, we could see Mt. Hood in the distance. 

Mt. Hood
And finally, a sign for our times:

[From Craig]  People are wondering what became of harmony in the USA.

Next stop: 
                The Dalles.


  1. We are enjoying the sights too that you are sharing with us.

  2. Funny they call it Fruit Loop. Sorry to hear about the scrape to your Alfa :(


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