
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Pictures from the week

This post is a hodgepodge of images from this last week.

I heard this guy and his  friends pounding on the trees several times in the campground at Beverley Beach. 

Finally, on the day we left, he was working on a tree close to our rig. I was able to grab my camera and get a picture of him.

Not every day has been sunny. Craig took a walk on a foggy late afternoon, and decided to process the images as monochrome. Sometimes colors get in the way.

A gifted artist couldn't have arranged this any better than the receding tide did. The nutrients from the decaying seaweed will feed future life. The bit of red plastic, possibly from the 2011 Japanese Tsunami, may return to the ocean but will nourish nothing.  

These trees with vines were the edge of our camp site.

One day we went to the new Visitor Center at the Tillamook Creamery. It's all about the cows. The new tutorial storyboards about dairy farming and cheesemaking are very good.

On Thursday we drove 84 miles south to our next stop, the campground at Umpqua Lighthouse state park. We took a walk around Lake Marie, which is in the park. 

There are several picnic tables nestled in the trees along the path. We may have a picnic there.

While at the lake we saw a Sundog.

My camera could not find a focal point until I included a tree in the image.  

And lastly, we have named this image "Dog Beach". Can you see why?


  1. Great pics, safe travels. Keep em coming!

  2. We have a lot of trees and the woodpeckers sure like making holes. Great header picture!

  3. the sea looks lovely. So moody.

  4. Love the Oregon Coast. Lots of friends seem to have been in the vicinity of the Umpqua Lighthouse this past week. Also, we noticed that the traffic on 101 has really picked up now that summer is in full swing and school is out. South Beach was jam packed!


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