
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Umpqua LIghthouse

When spending the summer on a coast, it is a natural thing to visit the  lighthouses that have guided ships to safe harbors for so many years.

This week we went to the Umpqua Lighthouse, which is just up the road from our campground.

We choose to go on the volunteer-guided tour.

After looking through the museum rooms, we went over to the lighthouse itself.

It is built out of bricks with stucco on the outside.

The Umpqua 1st-order Fresnel lens was made with red and clear glass, in 1890 in Paris France.

It was really quite pretty.

Below is a video that Craig made of the light beams at night. It runs for about 2 minutes.

And finally:

We did go back down to the lake to have a picnic supper. It was a bit chilly, but that kept the mosquitos in hiding.

Life is good.


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