
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Valley of the Rogue State Park,Oregon

Knowing the daytime temperatures were going to be very hot, we decided to get up early (unusual for us) and take a walk along the Rogue River, which borders our campground.

It was in the 60s F when the sun began climbing the sky. We really should do this more often, it was very peaceful.

The local walking trail was not very long, but we did get a nice view of the river and there were no mosquitos.
By 1 PM the temperature was over 100°, so we took a nap in the air-conditioned coach. 

Later that day we went on the Hellgate jetboat dinner excursion. 

As we boarded, the boat pilot gave me a towel to use to protect my camera. There was quite a lot of splashing and water spray when we were moving fast, so the only pictures I could take was while we were stopped or cruising slowly.

This, of course, was one of the other boats. 

The ride was a good mix of exciting speed, spinning, and crossing the wakes of other boats to give us drenching splashes, which were welcome in 100 degrees.  These alternated with stops and slowdowns, when the pilot pointed out wildlife or told us about the land and properties we passed.

On the outbound trip, we saw deer, Canadian geese, eagles and osprey. I did not include any of their pictures, because they just weren't good enough. 

Sometimes it is hard to combine an activity with photography. This was a perfect activity for such a hot day, and I quickly settled into just enjoying the ride and feeling the wind in my face! 

The turnaround spot for our cruise was in Hellgate Canyon. Earlier in the year, when the water level is higher, the jetboats can go beyond this area through some really great whitewater. 

But if we had done that, the rocks would have ripped out the bottom of our boat, and our pilot, Mike, would be out of a job! I guess it's good to have something to come back for in the future!

I sometimes wonder why people, myself included, like to look at rocks. I often think of the tremendous energy and forces that were at work when they were being formed, and of the ongoing changes they go through from erosion of wind and water.

Our boat held about 40 people, but there were at least five boats on the same trip, and we all stopped for the same included dinner at this delightful chalet above the Rogue River. 

The walk up to the chalet was aerobic; non-hikers could ride a wagon up.  Near the chalet I said "why didn't we take a wagon?".

We were served family style: salad, ribs, chicken, potatoes, corn bread, muffins, and dessert. At the tables were large pitchers of beer, water, ice tea, lemonade, and carafes of white wine. When a platter of ribs or a pitcher was empty, another was promptly brought out, until everyone was full and satisfied!

I have never been known to be shy when among strangers on a trip like this. So, as usual I treated our end of the table as old friends. By the end of the meal we had exchanged stories and good vibes. I really like to learn more about the people I see in our travels, and hope we enrich their lives just a little as well.

I was so full after that wonderful dinner, I was glad the trail back down to the river was all downhill! 

As we waited for our turn to head back down the river, we noticed this heron fishing on the other side of the river, quite undisturbed by a couple hundred tourists on the dock not far away.

All in all, it was a very nice boat ride and dinner, and we are very glad Sue Malone suggested we look into going on it, when we were making plans for coming to the Grants Pass area. 

We raced one of the other boats back to the docking area. 

By my count we have taken at least ten boat trips since we bought our RV. Each has been special in some way. I wonder where the next one will be.


  1. So much fun. And I'm glad you just enjoyed the moment.

  2. Looks like a perfect day to be on the river. Last year the boats went all the way to Grave's Creek much later in the year. Water is quite a bit lower this year. Glad you got to do the trip and that the boats were still running. Sometimes July 15th is the end of the Hellgate Tours, depending on water depths. Glad you are staying cool enough, and even though today was hot, at least there was a little thundery break for you. Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday.

  3. That looks like so much fun! I'm going to have to make a note to check into this next year, earlier - as I'd love to do the whole route!

    Thank you for sharing!

  4. That boat ride looks like a great way to beat the heat and have fun as well.


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