
Friday, September 6, 2019

5 Miles, Three Waterfalls

If a tourist-oriented town were to paint all of its sidewalks magenta, to attract more visitors, then another town could do the same thing. (In response to which, the first town could insist "ours are the Original Magenta Sidewalks!") 

But waterfalls and lighthouses are like snowflakes: each one is different. When we stopped at the Munising Visitor Information Center, we were given a map with eighteen waterfalls on it.

The day was bright and sunny so we decided to go on a waterfall hunt.

The first one was Munising Falls, just out of town. The trail from the parking lot is 1/4 mile each way, and quite easy.

The water drops about 50 feet down a limestone cliff.  Limestone cliffs are very common around Lake Superior.

This is the deck from which we took the picture above.

Next was Miners Falls.

We walked the 0.6 mile trail in from the parking area. 

The view of the falls from there was blocked by trees, and it seemed like a wall of water cascading down a sheer rock face. We could not see either the top or the splash pool below.

But from further up the trail we got a pretty good look at it.

It too had about a 50 foot drop.

Our third waterfall was Chapel Falls. 

 The trail to this one is 1.6 miles each way, but the path was wide and didn't have many hills to climb. There were other people there, and everyone seemed to be in good humor.

We take lots of opportunities to sit and rest awhile when we are hiking. When Craig was sitting on this log, I was resting on another just down the path. We really like to see an occasional bench. I seem to recall we were in much better shape in our first year or two.  I guess it's "all about the food!": too much of a good thing.

Chapel Falls has a 60 foot drop and with all of the rain they have had in the area this summer, it was running full and fast.  It is a fine waterfall, but the observation point doesn't provide a good view of it.

As we walk we enjoy looking at the many interesting things nature does. The gall on the tree above was quite large, but didn't seem to bother it at all. From what I read, the bumpy growth is caused by  the tree's reaction to chemicals secreted by insects. It is somewhat like an allergic or a protective reaction.  The rest of the tree is fine.

Sometimes we discuss what kinds of trees and plants we are walking among, but most of the time we just embrace the greenness of it all.

RV life is green!


  1. So many wonderful things to see and places to explore, thanks for sharing your pictures today.

  2. We did not do any hiking there, but did splurge for the Painted Rocks Cruise. We could see the water from the falls as it entered the lake. Next time we'll lace up our boots and follow in your footsteps. Looks like you had a great day, thanks for the ideas!

  3. Watch this space: Painted Rocks is up next!


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