
Friday, July 31, 2020

New Blogger Format is FRUSTRATING!

I tried to work on a new post several times in the last two days and have been totally frustrated! I write something, add a picture, and think it is saved. When I click back to it after checking on a fact or spelling elsewhere, what I wrote and the picture is gone.

I don't need this kind of aggravation.  I will try to get it to work, or find another format, or quit blogging and be less stressed.

Check back!


  1. Hang in there. It does get easier the more you use it. But I still hate it.

    1. I will, and I will try Chrome or Firefox.

  2. I'm not a fan of Blogger either and much preferred Live Writer. However, with Live Writers habit of throwing #400 errors I finally gave up on it over a year ago. Blogger has been a frustrating struggle but this newer format, although better than the old format is still a challenge. It took me 3 determined tries before I finally got the hang of it and now I'm kinda perking along okay with it. They are still fine tuning the new version but it's coming. If I, with my on-going impatience can stick with it, you can too. Hello to that Craig character:))

    1. If you can do it, I can too! I'm switching to Chrome.

  3. Merikay, "IF" you are using Microsoft's Edge browser, THAT is your problem. I use Firefox and don't have problems (outside of the learning curve), Al (Bayfield Bunch) switched from Edge, from which he had problems like you are having, over to Google Chrome, and he no longer has problems. If you are already using either Firefox or Chrome, just be sure they are up-to-date. Otherwise, this is my only suggestion.

    1. I have been using Safari on a MacBook Air. A number of things have been having more problems with Safari. I guess it is finally time for me to switch to Chrome. I just had to vent my frustrations!

  4. In the last two days I have had a bit of trouble with Blogger but tonight the new format was in place and running smooth for me. Yep my 74 yo brain did have to work at it a bit to learn the new parts of Blogger.

  5. Know what you are saying. I am still using the old format as long as I can.
    There is a way to send Feedback near the bottom of the dashboard.
    Be Safe!

    It's about time.

    1. I thought of going back, but I know we have to adjust. I was just frustrated.

  6. I will give it another try using Chrome. Thanks for the comment, makes me feel less alone.

  7. I've kinda gotten used to it, Merikay. I don't have the problems you've described, but I do use Chrome as my operating system. If you don't, you might try that.


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