
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Heading North up the Beach

We took our time eating breakfast and otherwise doing our "morning things", in part because the temperature was cool and the sky was overcast. On the way out, Craig wisely suggested we take long sleeved shirts for a little extra protection.

When we got to the beach, in addition to being cooler, there was a strong wind blowing from the north. On the first half of our walk, we stopped and took shelter behind some large rocks along the beach, whenever we could.

All along the bluff above the beach there were large, probably older,  houses. Each was unique, and some seemed weathered by the sea.

I'd love to see the interiors of some of them and know their stories. I wonder if they are rentals, permanently occupied, or family vacation homes. Probably some of each.

There is a beach trail ride business nearby, and these folks were also enjoying the fresh ocean air.

Craig was the photographer today, and caught me as I made my way to the return path from the beach.

Windblown and ready to go home! 

But we did make the two mile goal for the day.

I crashed and took a short nap when we got back to the Alfa.

I have found a nice 2.4 mile loop hike for tomorrow. It is not on a beach, so you won't feel more sandy from reading the next post. 


  1. Glad you are Enjoying wonderful walks on the Beach. Definitely an interesting house to investigate.
    Be Safe!

    It's about time.

  2. Definitely a brisk breeze. You deserve a nap after that. We rode horses on the beach in Hawaii and it was so fun.

  3. Looks like fun. Nothing like walking on sand to give one a good workout. I do miss the sound of the ocean here.

  4. Could almost feel the sea air. Enjoying your story. Safe travels and Godspeed.


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