
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Walk around Bandon and another hike at the Slough

Several people told me to be sure to get an ice cream cone at the Face Rock Creamery in Bandon.

Wednesday we parked at the other end of the Old Town area and walked 3/4 mile for a treat. It was indeed wonderful ice cream, and the double cone was a very generous size.


Old Town Bandon isn't much to get excited about. Lots of small restaurants that were either closed or serving outdoors, and the usual selection of craft, gift, candy and fudge shops.

Just about everyone we passed on the streets was wearing a mask, and all stores had signs requiring masks for entry. Nobody was making a big deal about it. Perhaps this is why this county has zero COVID deaths even with the tourists that pass through.

This large fish was one of several sculptures on display. It was made of trash from the ocean.

On Thursday we went back up to the Estuary and hiked another 2.5 mile section of the trails (marked in red below).

This place is a showcase of nature.

Most of the trees were second growth, but this giant cedar may have been one of the few that survived the original logging of this area.

I wish I could share the sounds with you. The wind was whispering in the trees, a few birds were singing, and the gentle babbling of the Hidden Creek were soothing to the soul.

The trail took us down along the slough, where the water was at low tide.

When you first look at the image below, what do you see?

I saw Bigfoot with a peg leg. 

Towards the end of a hike, I find myself looking down as much as up or ahead. As I tire, I try to be more careful of where I step so I don't stumble. I also try to "see" the small and beautiful things along the way.

There were a few other hikers on the trails today, but I may have been the only person in the world to have noticed these treasures.

I am one lucky lady!


  1. I don't remember what the street name is but it's the street that goes by their high school towards the ocean . There is a park there with steps down to the beach . Plus it is a great place in the parking lot to watch the sunset. Vern in Boise

  2. It looks like you needed that Hike on Thursday to wear off that Ice Cream Cone.
    We would have had just as hard a time to say no as well.
    You spotted lots of Treasures.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Hello!, Two years ago there was an actual museum downtown of sculptures made from ocean trash. We enjoyed it one afternoon. We spent a couple of weeks there in Bandon so it’s fun to read about your adventures.

  4. Jim would love that ice cream place. Your Bigfoit sighting was so fun.


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