
Saturday, July 3, 2021

Eggplant in the corner



Why is there an eggplant in the corner of our bedroom?

Was it a "bad" eggplant and made to take a time out?

Did it escape from a grocery bag?

Is it lost or just shy?

Is it some sort of weird good luck symbol?

None of the above. Eggplants are delicate and should be used within a few days of purchase. They do not do well stored in the refrigerator, and can quickly become over ripe if left out in a warm place. 

We stopped at a grocery a few days ago and I bought enough fresh produce to last a week. All were "top priority" on my meals list. We have no cool, dark storage place in the rig. The bays are not cool in summer, and with the extreme heat we have been having, I have notice that even the insides of my cubboards are hot. My kitchen counter space is very small and always subject to some heat from the windows. I have open wire baskets, next to the table, where I usually store onions and potatoes, that are fine in the winter when it is cold outside, but they are presently against the sunside wall and are a bit warm.

The Alfa has a basement air conditioner and the cool air comes up out of the same vents as the heat from the furnace. Thus, this corner was  the coolest place for my eggplant to rest for a few days. This would not work if we were driving. 


We made it safely to McGregor Lakes RV Park, 66 miles west of Glacier, on Thursday. The scenery on US 2 was beautiful. Many different things to see: mountains, wheat fields, rivers, forests, and scrub land. Even the small towns were interesting. The two lane road was smooth and the traffic was light in most places. 

Praise be, the temperatures are a bit cooler. Thursday night there was a short thunderstorm. I was a bit worried about possible lightning-strike fires. Last night we had to close the windows and use a blanket to keep warm in bed.

This 40-space RV park is right on Hwy 2, but we do not hear any traffic. There's not mcuh to hear. The spaces are open enough to get satellite TV, but there is no cell service of any kind. We usually use our Verizon hotspot, but the park does have free Wifi, and so far it has been fine. We were asked not to stream any movies or Zoom. They said that when someone does, it really slows down the internet for everyone else. All it takes is a few selfish people. So far no problems though.


Craig took this picture on our walk around the park last night. He noted there were five black and white trailers all in a row. Our spot, more toward the front of the park, is larger.

We will be here for a month. 


  1. Good place for an eggplant! One needs to be inventive when your house is just a few hundred square feel.

  2. I have to admit I have never worried about where to place an eggplant:))

    1. [From Craig] That's a difference between foodies and regular people.


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