
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

August Pictures

On Aug 1, we were standing on a shore cliff near Twillingate Newfoundland, when we spotted a fishing boat coming in and crossing in front of a small island.



Same boat, about to dock in Twillingate

Aug 5: Norris Point

On Aug 6, we rode a boat tour of a lake near Gros Morne National Park


On Aug 10, we visited the L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site, near the northern tip of Newfoundland.  It includes a simulated 11th-century Viking seashore camp.

Metal art of Viking scouting party

Role-playing Vikings

Mom And Pop chairs in Viking living room

Apprentice blacksmith pumping bellows

Aug 12

Aug 16

Lobster Cove Head, Rocky Harbor

Aug 19 at the Newfoundland Insectarium in Reidville

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