
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

September-October pictures

A few images from near the end of our summer 2022 trip.  From Newfoundland, we returned via Ontario, New York, South Carolina, Louisiana, Arizona, and points between them.

One of the parks we stopped at kept rabbits as pets, and sold food for them

Library of a historical residence in Mayberry NC (aka Mount Airy)

Near the end of the journey at Picacho Peak state park, Arizona

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

August Pictures

On Aug 1, we were standing on a shore cliff near Twillingate Newfoundland, when we spotted a fishing boat coming in and crossing in front of a small island.



Same boat, about to dock in Twillingate

Aug 5: Norris Point

On Aug 6, we rode a boat tour of a lake near Gros Morne National Park


On Aug 10, we visited the L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site, near the northern tip of Newfoundland.  It includes a simulated 11th-century Viking seashore camp.

Metal art of Viking scouting party

Role-playing Vikings

Mom And Pop chairs in Viking living room

Apprentice blacksmith pumping bellows

Aug 12

Aug 16

Lobster Cove Head, Rocky Harbor

Aug 19 at the Newfoundland Insectarium in Reidville

Saturday, December 17, 2022

July Pictures

By July 1, we reached Maine in preparation to spending July 4 at Bar Harbor.  We had been there before, and had enjoyed the nice hillside view of the harbor and the great fireworks display.

A hike in Arcadia National Park

On the 4th, two sailboats offered rides in the Atlantic

Live music before the fireworks

Rocks adjacent to beach near Bar Harbor, with dog


Next, we crossed the border into New Brunswick, and drove up to Sydney Nova Scotia to take a ferry to our main destination Newfoundland.

This ferry took us to Arcadia Newfoundland

Cannons at Castle Hill near Placentia helped defend the French from the British, and then vice-versa.


Botwood NL features many murals.

We found a habitat housing many beavers on Woolford's Pond near Lewisport NL.

Mates?  Mother and child?  Can't tell the beavers without a program!

Lighthouse and cliffs near Gros Morne National Park

Monday, December 12, 2022

June Pictures

After our grandson's graduation, we spent June in New England playing tourist.  

Mayflower 2, like the one on which the Pilgrims came over

Plymouth Rock, onto which the Pilgrims probably didn't step

FWIW, Craig's first computer was an IBM 1620.

We visited a garden on Cape Cod, but can't remember its name

Can't think of a story about this that doesn't involve what you're thinking of

Hampton Beach NH was having its annual sand sculpture contest

Just a water lily somewhere in New England

Once you've selected the pictures, placing them in the post is easy!