
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello to 3 new friends

I want to say hello to three new followers.  Laura, Karen, and Nellie.  I just want to thank you for your encouragement.  Thank you to everyone who has left comments.  They mean a lot to me.

I just checked out Nellie's blog and find it made me smile.  She and her husband are just a couple of weeks away from going full time and she has a delightful use of photographs.  You Go girl!

I'm on track today.  Did my 2 miles, finished the Raccoon for the lady in West Virginia, and as soon as I post this will be hunting up some additions to the garbage cans so they will be full for pick up tomorrow.

The Raccoon:

Daily countdown:
509 days, or 1 year, 4 months, 21 days to go.
Exercise Goal:
1000 miles on the treadmill,  2 miles today

Total walked = 160 miles
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles  in National Parks!


  1. Thanks for the welcome! I found your blog off of Jessica & Harry's blog. I can relate to your life, ours is similar :) Also, I'm originally from CA, in fact, my parents still live in Prunedale. I love the Santa Cruz mountains, and have camped there in their camper YEARS ago. Now it's our turn :)

  2. Love your exercise goal! As a fitness instructor and personal trainer, I know that people who make goals (and write them down) are more likely to keep up their workout routine. So, 2 thumbs up to you!

    Thank you for the shout out on your blog :) I'm looking forward to staying in touch!



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