
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Picked out paint colors

A few years ago we started painting the house.  We got as far as doing part of the trim and supporting beams of the deck, but then winter came and we never got back to it. Now it seems the  color  is not compatible with the new roof and rain gutters.

 So it has taken us a week or so to decide what brand and colors to use.  We have decided to stay with the same house color that we started with, but are changing the trim color.    There are miles and miles of trim to do.  In many areas there is more trim than main color.  I'm going to start with the repainting of the trim we did before.

 I probably will wait until next week to start, because we will want to wash it first, and we are having friends over for breakfast and World Cup Soccer on Saturday.  We do have a real life to live in addition to reaching for the dream!

I did do some prep yesterday by moving and re-stacking some firewood that was next to the garage.  And today I went to buy the paint.

Tomorrow I have to finish a raccoon sculpture that I promised to ship by Friday.

I'm looking forward to starting the painting.  Another step towards our future.

Daily countdown:
510 days, or 1 year, 4 months, 22 days to go.
Exercise Goal:
1000 miles on the treadmill,  1 mile yesterday,  1 mile today

Total walked = 160 miles
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles  in National Parks!


  1. painting can be very therapeutic and may be good for the soul... if not you can always try the Tom Sawyer route...

  2. I know what you're going DH and I are doing the same thing...except our version is the one on speed :) We're running around like fools trying to get everything done at once. It's overwhelming! Feel free to stop by, follow, and make comments on my blog so you can see what the race to the finish line looks like.
    Heading out in 16 days! YIKES...and YIPEEE!


  3. I think the great thing about changing the trim color is that you will be really able to see what you have accomplished each day! It will help reinforce your journey toward your dream. :)

  4. As you have discovered, unfinished paint jobs stay around long enough to be no longer the exact colour you want...we also started painting trim - up high when a new roof was being put on. Now, several years on, that colour doesn't inspire completion as much as starting over with a new scheme!

    Now I will be highly suspicious if you ask us to bring masking tape and brushes along with the scones and bacon ;-)

  5. I don't envy you that project. I remember well painting our Tampa house before we sold it. It's funny how your house never looks as good as the day you sell it. It's a shame, isn't it?


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