
Friday, July 9, 2010

Moose Lodge

From the pleasant comments about the Malva Pudding recipe yesterday, I guess I know what I'll be brining to a future RV pot luck!  Hope some of you are there.

Craig officially became a Moose Lodge member a few weeks ago.  The ceremony was not "hooky" and they do not wear funny hats!  The initiation was held on the same night as their steak night dinner and we were given two free passes.  The dinner usually cost a whopping $10.00 each, so the dinners canceled out the $20.00 application fee.  As a welcome gift we were also given a pass for dinner for four sometime in the next 90 days.  This is to encourage us to introduce another couple to possible membership.  We are not sure who we should invite.  I think most of our friends are a bit to "foodie snobbish" to appreciate the good down-home-ness of the lodge.

Last night we went to the hamburger night with the couple that were our sponsors.  We enjoyed it.  Again the cost was very low.  $3.50 for a nice big hamburger, fresh  hot fries, and a slice of water-mellon.  A glass of beer or wine was $2.50.

Our Lodge is not a very fancy place, but it is clean and friendly.  Here are a couple of pictures:

 The bar.
Dan, Craig, and Myra in the dinning room

Daily countdown:
480 days, or year, 3 months, 23 days to go.

Time spent Painting the House:  
Me: Thursday 6 hours, hours Today  Total = 106.5 hours
Craig:  Total = 32 hours

Exercise Goal:  
1000 miles on the treadmill,  (Five hours of painting on a ladder IS exercise!)
 Total walked = 172 miles  
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles  in National Parks!


  1. Boy you don't know how good that burger and watermelon sounds right now. We've been painting all day and are bushed. Can you relate?

  2. There is nothing better than a big juicy hamburger. Congrats on the Moose Lodge membership. Hope you all enjoy...the food sounds good.

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  3. Holy smokes!! That sounds so good!

    p.s Congrats to your DH!


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