
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The most decadent desert! - Malva Pudding

Craig loves to find new recipes for me to make.  In honor of the World Cup Games, one of the news paper articles he read mentioned something called "Malva Pudding" and so he had to look it up.   It seems it is a favorite South African desert, based on a Dutch Origin.

I made it last night and it was totally delicious!  Very high in fat and sugar, but Very delicious.

We were enjoying our servings  several hours after dinner, when I said something like "When I try a new recipe lately I try to imagine how I would make it in an RV, and I imagine this one made on a cold rainy day when we are shut in, just relaxing and reading our books.  It smelled very nice when it was baking, and if I substitute regular milk for the sauce at the end, I probably would have the ingredients on hand most of the time."

Craig's response was something like "Talk like that makes me want to go out and paint something!"  "Get us on the road."

We had a second serving during the morning World Cup game today.
It was good cold, but also re-warmed easily in the microwave.  

He says it is the best thing he has ever tasted.

Malva Pudding

Recipe #121413 | 21 min | 20 min prep
Claire De Lune

By: Claire De Lune 
May 10, 2005
From: Boschendal Wine Estate Restaurant, Cape Province, South Africa. It is actually a delicious cake but rich!! Very simple to make.





  1. 1
    Beat the egg and sugar well in a mixer. Add the jam, sift flour, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and salt. Melt the butter add the vinegar and milk. Add liquids to egg mixture alternately with the flour. Beat well and bake in a COVERED dish such as Corel at 350F for 45 minute to 1 hour. It is important to use a covered dish otherwise the sauce won't soak into cake.

  2. 2
    Melt together the ingredients for the sauce and pour over the pudding as it comes out of the oven.

  3. 3
    You will not beleive the taste! I never add whipping cream or Cool whip as it is quite rich the way it is.

  4. 4

Daily countdown:
482 days, or year, 3 months, 25 days to go.

Time spent Painting the House:  
Me: Wednesday 3.5 hours  Total = 95.5 hours
Craig:  Total = 32 hours

Exercise Goal:  
1000 miles on the treadmill,  (Going up and down a ladder has to count for something!)
 Total walked = 172 miles  
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles  in National Parks!


  1. I can be at your house in 5 minutes if I jump off this mountain and steal a motorcycle!! ;) Save me some!

  2. That cake sounds good. I'll have to try it some time!

  3. Yum!! I like Craig's comment, the faster you get things done, the sooner you can get on the road :)

  4. Gee that sounds delicious!! I will try that recipe very soon. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  5. YeAH Craig!! Cya Down the Road

  6. That pudding is not something I'd make for one person. Guess I'll just have to wait until you're on the road and then come visit you on a day that you're baking! :)

  7. i could almost smell it all the way here in Texas :)


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