
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm dreaming of a new name

First I want to thank all of you who left comments on my last blog.  I feel like a member of a wonderful community full of thoughtful kind people.  Someday I will meet some of you.

For now I'm back to trying to do something everyday that will bring me closer to the RV life.

The other day I was thinking about the name of my blog.

 For now I am a Dreamer, and any dreams I have may be easily blown away like smoke.  But someday those dreams of going fulltime WILL come true and the blog name might have to change.

As I blog and comment on other's blogs, I often use the old expression  "When our time comes..."

 It has occurred to me that  "Our Time Has Come!" might be a good on the road blog name.

But for now I will remain just a dreamer, following your adventures and cheering on others who are also still stuck in the sticks and bricks.

Daily countdown:
427 days, or 1 year, 2 months, days. 


  1. Several friends have changed their blogs names over time, and it makes sense. Mine will probably never change, though. Never Ending Journey says it all for me!

  2. Just remember we are ALL on an adventure called "life." I enjoy following your adventures as you ready yourself for RV life!!

    I like your new name...its a keeper.

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  3. That's a great name! I too have been thinking of a new name for when we start fulltiming, but I have not been as creative as you! Got any more suggestions?

    I'm glad you're keeping the dream alive.

  4. Hi Merikay, I like the new name you are dreaming up! I changed my title a blog name once already. I originally had RV Days, and then it just bugged me because these aren't really our RV days yet. So then I had the brainstorm about adding the "Planning for" at the front of it. When we actually hit the road, I will drop that beginning phrase right off again!! :)

  5. Good name choice and the titles are easy enough to change. Mine used to be RV-Adventure, then Our Life, then Our Life and RV-Adventure, and now RV-Adventure of Margie and Roger when we went full-time. Wonder what the next name will be...Our Adventure in Assisted Living...good grief, I hope that is years and years away.

  6. Can't wait tell you have to change the name,that will mean your on the road to your adventures.


  7. dreams never die just the dreamer..our time has a great new name!!

  8. Thanks for your concern.

    The personal reports are now coming through and some people have awful stories and will never be able to live on their properties again. The good news is that because it was so early in the morning there was no-one in the central business area. Our family is safe. It's going to be a long day for our sone on traffic control

    Some people will have to leave their homes and may never be able to rebuild. Because we have a small pop. It's not going to be too difficult to sort things out but of course it will take time. Christchurch city will never be the same again. We still have no news from the town closest to the epicantre.

    Our immediate family is safe but we need to contact TWJ's cousin and see how they have faired. His daughters live in the most vulnerable areas.

    It's another wake-up call to the rest of us to have emergency plans and supplies.


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