
Thursday, September 2, 2010

A bit of Elegance for the old place

The new garage door were installed today.   All I can say is Wow!  I watch a lot of HGTV and this really gives the place some "curb appeal."  Considering we don't have a curb, and nature does our landscaping, these doors are really an Upgrade!

You really can't see the detail in this picture, but each window has a beautiful leaded glass design that goes very well with the leaded glass in and next to the front door.

Each window does have a "frame" around it and I think we will be painting the frame brown and the main part of the door the blush of the house.

I'll take a close up after we finish the painting and the front door area.

It has been a busy week!

Looking forward to the three day weekend.  We shuld get a lot done.

I really do enjoy all of this.  It's the biggest craft project I have ever attempted!


  1. The new garage door looks very nice, and yes, I can see the glass cutouts. They look nice with the front door, like you said.

    Curb appeal is the name of the game, isn't it? We're working on the same thing!

  2. It's remarkable what a single change can make. Then you have to do all the other things so the new one looks as though it fits in.

    Craft project. *smile* It's really quite hard work.

  3. Very nice!! I think your garage doors are a great improvement and definitely do go well with your front door. :)

  4. The garage doors look terrific with the front door!

  5. Very nice looking new garage doors.
    Each thing you do makes such a huge difference in the curb appeal...and thats what its all about.

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  6. Yep, the new garage doors look nice.

    Volunteering always involves a site. I only do full hook ups, and am trying to limit the time I work to three days a week. I prefer National Wildlife Refuges, but sometimes they want single folks to work four days a week. I think it's descrimination, but it is what it is. Four days a week is too much like a job for me in most cases. :) I am retired, you know.

  7. I remember when we replaced an old (very old, like about 40 years!)heavy wooden garage door with a new, lightweight metal one. the difference in looks and functionality was amazing. Doesn't it feel good?? and it looks great, too. Looking forward to pictures of the paint job.

  8. I really like your new garage doors - sure hope Paulette doesn't see them or I have an idea we might be looking at new ones too!! I have other priorities - ha, ha!!

  9. remarkably similar to the front door windows! I think those little things make a big impression in some people.


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