
Friday, October 29, 2010

New computer

We have two very good desktop computers in our home.  Both work fine, and both are usually on and sleeping. So we really don't NEED to have a laptop, but last year when we went on a two week "rented" RV vacation in a 25' class C, Craig brought one of the computers and it's monitor along.  It rode in the booth dinette area, and took up much of the table top when he set it up each night.  Our internet connection was thru his cell phone.

That experience made me realize the necessity of getting a laptop. That and the desire to be able to sit in front of the fire, in my comfy chair, and read blogs or browse the web.

I asked for one for the upcoming Christmas. But Craig bought it now.  It is for both of us, but I think of it as MY Laptop.  He can have the other two!

Craig has done all the set up for me, (Us.)  He has also signed me up for a year of "One on One" at the apple store.  There are a couple of small classes and then I can book two hour blocks of time when I can work on my own projects and have an expert on hand to answer questions.  I don't know how it will work out.  I have always been a "user" and when ever there is any problems, Craig fixes them for me.

The problem is he is not the greatest at explaining what or why.  We shall see if someone from apple has any luck teaching me anything!

The project I have decided I want to do is to put together a history of my art work.  I have pictures of the very first animals I created in the 70's and of just about everything I have done since.  We have a good scanner, and the later images are already digital.  I'm thinking of it as something to leave for my Great Grandchildren.  My grandchildren know me as an artist already.   It would help to motivate me to go thru some of the pictures I have, and learn to use more features of the computer.

Right now I'm getting used to the keyboard and the touch pad.  I am determined to NOT get a mouse.  It would be very awkward to try to mouse in my easy chair!

Thats all for tonight.

No walking today, was out doing errands and then worked on antlers so I just had no time.



  1. I'm glad you got your Christmas present early! I love my laptop and will never to go back to a desk model.

    I'm sitting here right now in my chair, with my feet up, laptop is sitting on a little beanbag type desk on my lap. I do all my computer things in this position and do not use a mouse. Like you said, it's hard in an easy chair!

  2. An early Christmas present is a good thing. Plus, by the time Christmas gets here he will have forgotten about the laptop and buy you something else! Maybe?

    I'm a mouse lover - can't stand using just the laptop. My mouse is wireless and it runs off the arm of a chair, my leg, a pillow, whatever.

  3. I'm with Margie, the touch pad and I just don't get along. I suppose it's only a matter of practice, but I prefer my mouse. :) Enjoy your expert help!

  4. Having a laptop (or netbook, in my case) is terrific!! I sit with it every night on my lap on a beanbag tray - it even has a cupholder :) I tried the touchpad for awhile, but found the position of my hand while using it made it sore. I use a wireless mouse now, and it works fine on the arm of the chair.

  5. Good luck with your new Apple computer, nice Xmas present!!

    Better luck with touch-pad! I don't care for those things and prefer the mouse. I use a small beanbag type desk like the others have mentioned. It works well for me.


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