
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Busy Busy Busy, but happy

We had a couple of cold rainy days, but it seems the warm weather has returned.  It was in the 70's today and will be t least that warm again tomorrow.  The crickets are still singing.

I got another order over the weekend, this time for a Moose and a Bighorn.  Of course the customer needs to have them by the 15th or the sale is off.

Scramble.  I CAN get them done along with the other three I still am working on, but it means very full days for the rest of this week.

I took a couple of pictures of all the unfinished work I have in the studio, but I haven't had time to try to download pictures to the new laptop yet.

Speaking of which, I have really enjoyed every evening.  I went to my first One on One session at the Apple store on Monday.  Learned I knew more than I thought I did.  I canceled the second session because I just don't have the time this week.

I will do it soon however.

I always feel good when I have art work to do.  Orders make me feel "loved."  A little extra money is nice too, but I always say I could earn more per hour working at McDonald's.

Not much progress on the house for the last couple of weeks either!

I only have had time for one exercise walking session in the last few days, but will get back to it when the rush is over.

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 

2.25 regular miles Saturday
+1 extra mile in memory of Margie

  Total walked = 246 miles  (I hope to make 300 by Thanksgiving)
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!

Daily countdown:
364 days  to get the house fixed up!

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