
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I've had the paint chips  for choosing the color for the dining room for months.  I really thought I had chosen the right color, a light blue, so when I went to the paint store I skipped buying a test sample.

I like to do the cut in first.  Over two days I spent about nine hours edging the windows and baseboard. The more I painted, the more unsure I became about my choice.  I  got about half way around the ceiling edge when I finally conceded it was not the right color!

I dithered.  I slept on it.  I got up this morning and really didn't want to look.  But I did, and agreed with myself that it was just the wrong color!

It's a pretty color.  But not for that room.

It's the kind of blue that makes me want to paint big fluffy white clouds or a rainbow across the high wall!

 It would be perfect for a baby boy's room, but not for a very large formal dining room.

So it was off to the paint store to try again.

I got two sample colors.  One is a sunny golden yellow called "full moon," and the other a greenish, grayish bluish color called "dewy."

Full moon is as out of place as the baby blue.  It also does not seem to cover the cut-in that I have already done, and would require at least two coats over the blue.

Dewy is a more dignified color.  It is closer to the color I wanted in the first place.  It seems to work well with the tile in the kitchen, although they are very separate rooms, I think you should have a visual relationship between them.  Dewy also covers the blue quite nicely and it will be very easy to redo the cut in work.

Dewy wins.  I think Craig will agree, but I want him to look at it before I go buy more paint.

On a completely different subject:

I get an email from the local freecycle group every day.  I always look to see what people are giving away, and have used it to get rid of a few things myself.  I often have to remind myself that I don't need anymore stuff!

But yesterday someone was offering a "large laptop case."  I didn't get a case when we bought my 17" MacPro so I do need one.  Usually when the listing is something good, it is snatched up quickly.  This time I was first.  I picked it up on the way to town this morning, and all I can say is WOW!

This is one like it.  Black, all leather with padding and pockets galore. It is like new. The web price is $71.99

I got it free!

It's necessary stuff.  My laptop will need a case in the RV!


  1. As soon as you started describing the colors I thought "DEWY"!! Hope we see some pictures. What a great find on the laptop case...congrats.

  2. Looking forward to seeing the dining room in the Dewy. I have a laptop case I never use, but if I ever need it, I've got it:)

  3. I've never tried freecycle before..have to take a look!

  4. Dewy lost in '48, so it's about time for a win somewhere...

  5. I had forgotten about freecycle. What a great find. Good luck with the painting!

  6. That's really a big job, Painting! I really should paint too, especially the ceilings, but that will have to wait. Great find on the case.

  7. sorry to hear that all that painting needs to be covered up with a new colour!..dang it!
    Nice work on the free computer bag!


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