
Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Good series of Posts every Wannabe should read

Paul and Mary over at the Great RV Escape are writing a series of posts every Wannabe should read. 

 I'm not sure how many posts there will be, but here are the links to the first three:

Myth #1 - Fulltime RVing is a Cheap Way to Live.

Myth #2 - Fulltime RVing is the Ticket to an Early Retirement

Myth #3 - Fulltime RVing is The Only Way to Go

I'm sure there will be more, but if you haven't read them you should check them out!

Gives us something to think about.

Meanwhile, back at My house, the painting goes well.  I'm loving the new color choice!


  1. I read their Myths..interesting stuff!

  2. I have read them too!..glad you are liking your new colour choice!!

  3. I just read that post by Paul and Mary before checking up on you! What a coincidence!

  4. Thanks so much for the plug, Merikay! We posted the last of the "myth series" today. Hope it was helpful


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