
Thursday, February 10, 2011

February Goals

I can't believe we are already ten days into February.  This year is going to just fly by.  I have roughed out a few goals for each month in my "to do" book.  Written in pencil of course so they can be changed, erased, and moved, but if I can get those  accomplished each month, things should look pretty good around here by next winter.

I can't speak for Craig, or plan the projects he needs to do, but he has been "talking the talk" lately and helping when he can, so I'm hoping he will get lots done this year too.

My February goal is to sort the all of the  papers I have moved to the dining room from the front hall closets.

(There were 22 boxes of records, one for each year we have lived here.  I went thru many last spring, but still have some left.) 

 I also have to sort the records and receipts  for the 2010  taxes! 

If I can get that all done, I can paint the dining room in March. 

There are a number of other things I hope to get done this month, but they will be fit in if I have the time. Small goals will also need adjusting if I get art work to do, and right now I am exchanging emails about two special projects, so it is likely there will be work to do.

I did make a big step forward this morning. It had nothing to do with the papers. The fabric samples finally came, so I made the decision, and ordered the new drapes and sheers for the living room, and a new drape for the patio door in the dining room, and new sheers for the other six windows in  there. 

And, keeping to my vow to appreciate "here and now," I gloried in the beauty of a sunny afternoon. 

I noticed the trees outside the window dancing in the wind as I categorized papers and filled yet another grocery bag destined for the shredder!

Tomorrow is another day.  
Another good day. 


  1. Sounds awesome Merikay! :) You have gotten so much accomplished at your house! I hope the next month and a half speeds by but then I hope spring and summer SLOWS down!!! :)

  2. i always enjoyed shredding old documents as it was liberating... I also burned many in the BBQ pit which you may try as they go "up in smoke"

  3. Good for you!! One day at a time, it doesn't take long to see progress.

  4. You're doing great and I'm sure you'll accomplish all of your goals.

    I think you're right about appreciating the here and now. You live in a beautiful area and although you may not see manatees like we do here, you might see Sea Lions!

  5. happy shredding!..sounds like you are going to get through those boxes in no time flat!!!

  6. Good luck with your February goals! I'm sure you'll succeed!

  7. Paper stuff is the one thing that has me tearing out my hair or wanting to hide at the bottom of a deep dark ocean. *smiles*

    We have eliminated most of this stuff from our life but somehow there are still a few things that seem to require PAPER, or at least some kind of relocatable record.

    Right now I've just made one 2 minute phone call and got rid of one thing that's been plagueing me for a few months. Now to search the necessary onfo and email the other.

    By far the worst is TAX and we try to avoid being involved these days since we have a basic income with tax deducted at source. But every-time I get a bee in my bonnet and try to do anything extra we end up with another taxation headache.

    Have a very successful Feb. and be sure I don't envy you. *smiles of joy*

  8. Sounds like you have a plan,good luck with that.We need to get moving more also and getting stuff done.

  9. woohoo shredder~here she comes!

    do watch out for overheating it though...if you're doing it yourself. we overheated ours once! of course, larger cities have places where you can take things to be shredded; that is, of course, if they are to be trusted with your personal information...

    you are on a roll!!! again I say WTG!


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