
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Living Room Update

I came close to achieving my goals for January.  I had wanted to get the living room painting done. 

 I almost did. 

There is a little bit of touch up along some edges to do.  The paint color was so hard to see that it is only now, when I look at the dry paint in a different light,  that I can see a few missed spots.

 And the edging at the highest corner that I can't quite reach from the eight foot ladder. Craig will have to do it using the extension ladder.

I had not included the stairwell to the family room in my January plan.  Although it will be the same color paint, much of it needs to be done from the extension ladder as well.

When I took  the drapes and sheers down in the living room. I thought that  the sheers could be saved.  Unfortunately they were two far gone and shredded while being cleaned. 

 I'm almost happy about that.  It has pushed me into taking action on ordering new ones. The old drapes were also to bad to put back up. Now that the walls are clean, new drapes are a must.

I found a web site that sells customs drapes, and hopefully I can find an acceptable fabric, for an acceptable price.  
I have several samples coming in the mail.

 Their prices are pretty good, and they are also doing a 50% off  sale right now.  I'm trying to get the order together before the sale ends.  I talked to someone on the phone yesterday, and he was a bit vague as to how long the discount would be offered.

The drapes are manufactured in Hayward, California, which is just up the road from here.  I like the idea that they are American made, even if the labor is probably done by illegal immigrants.

 I didn't ask, but I think I may be able to go pick them up when they are done, and save the shipping costs. 
 (I could batch it with a trip to Berkeley Bowl!)

I'm pleased with my progress on sorting thru "stuff."  I agree with a comment that Heyduke left on one of my posts.  Something about "layers" of stuff.  I have found that by going thru and getting rid of the top layer,  it has become easier and easier to sort thru related things. 

I do wish Craig were more involved in it though.  I guess I just want to be sure he is OK with not keeping some things.  

On another note:

We are flying down to San Diego for a Super Bowl Party weekend with our daughter.  It should be a lot of fun, and of course we always enjoy seeing our grandsons.

Where are you watching the big game? 
Who do you think will win?



  1. Packers will win!!!

    Fantastic job on getting all that painting done in January. And sounds like a good deal for the drapes. You are on a roll!

    As I think I told you before, if Craig really wants something, you'll know :) I figured if Kevin wasn't complaining, he thought I was doing a good job downsizing so I just kept going. You'll be so glad you did!!!

  2. I really enjoy your blog. It's inspires me to get things accomplished.

  3. Sounds to me like you accomplished your goal for the month!

    Don't know if I'll even watch that football game. :)

  4. have some fun at the superbowl party!..sounds like you deserve some time off!!

  5. You have accomplished a great deal in January, congratulations.

    Have a great time with your family in San Diego!

    As for the game, I hope the Packers win but I haven't got a clue who will actually come out on top!

  6. Thanks for email. I didn't intend to be critical about you coming off plane and driving for hours.

    We found driving in USA easier than we expected but I think our narrow and sometimes winding roads are a bit of a shock for many.

    I'm being exceedingly lazy and your progress leaves me breathless with amazement. It must be so satisfying to see the results.

    Enjoy tour weekend. We have an International Sevens Tournament, a kind of rugby tournament, short fast games with teams of seven, going on in Wellington. It all seems very festive and slightly crazy but attracts a good crowd.


  7. I think you are doing great! A few missed spots when painting is nothing and they can be touched up easily.

    You have done a good job of setting and accomplishing your goals. It's making me want to get motivated when we get back home!

    I am not a football fan but Al is rooting for Green Bay. The only Super Bowl I ever intentionally watched was when the Bucs were in it. I'll probably go to my "room" and watch something else!

  8. I'm tired just reading about what you have accomplished. Ypu are doing a great job. I love it when a bargain is found. Enjoy your trip and stay safe.

  9. Green Bay all the way! 31 to 25. Love the dog! :-)

    Take care and have a nice day :-)


  10. Congratulations Merikay. You're getting there! I hope you had a great time in San Diego. I think it is time for us to start planning our next outing!


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