
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


For the first time in several days it has stopped raining and the sun is shining.  Two more storms are predicted in the next four days.  I am so glad we have a new roof!  We have had almost 40 inches of rain since October.
picture from the web

I saw our local bobcat again this afternoon.  I was washing a few dishes and I looked out the kitchen window and there he was just walking thru as calmly as can be.   

I hope he is catching lots of mice and gophers in our yard.  They have been invading our garage again lately.  

I've been baiting the traps and catching them.  The other morning there was a mouse that had only been caught by the foot.  I couldn't kill it by hand, so I took it and let it go on the far side of the yard.  

Wonder if Bob killed it for me.


  1. Bob bein' such a smart cat, maybe he just figured that mouse's tale needed to be shorted down a little to make it more readable, him bein' used to only seein' animal heads around yer place and not makin' heads nor tails out of what he were a seein'.

  2. My mom has been telling me about all the rain out there. They're worried about more mudslides down there in Prunedale :(

  3. We wouldn't mind having a little rain here....lots of pollen that needs washing away!!
    Be careful with Bob around.

  4. This place in New Mexico has to be about the driest place on earth and could surely use some of the rain that CA is receiving!

    So disappointed in you my dear that your camera wasn't right there and this picture isn't yours!!! you big wimp!! love ya tho...

  5. Too bad you couldn't get a picture of Bob. Didn't know you were having so much rain out there!

  6. 40" -- that's a lot of water! I wouldn't want to go outside with Bob lurking around!

  7. 'Bob' is a nice kitty for killing all the rodents!!

  8. I've almost forgotten what rain is as it's been so long since I've seen a real good downpour!

  9. I would have let the little mouse go as well. Very hard for me to kill anything except for mosqitoes. Those things deserve a good killing!!

  10. Two of my granddaughters have pet rats so I'm sure I would have let the little mouse go too. I don't want rodents in my house but I still think they have cute little faces and it would be hard to kill one. Hope Bob takes care of them for you!

  11. I also have trouble killing the little guys when they are caught that way. Seeing Bob is a special event, you are very fortunate. Maybe sometime you will be able to snap a quick picture.


  12. Bob sounds like a cool cat (lol). Hope he takes care of the mice for you. We had them in an older house we lived in and I couldn't do the traps even if the mouse was dead. Left that for my less squeamish husband to do. I do agree with Al on the mosquitos, they deserve a good killin'.

  13. Hi Merikay! We are having the rainy weather here in Central Coast California, aren't we. I'm enjoying the rain though. I'm not torn to be outside walking or some other thing that requires physical exercise. There will be enough sunny days for all that! Glad you have your new roof! All is looking up! We had a bobcat walk through our yard too the other day. He sat about four feet from us with the window between us. It was one majestic sight.

  14. Let them live is my motto! Just as long as it's not in my house!

  15. We're in New Mexico and it's dry, dry dry! They're on pace to have the 9th driest March in history. Good thing we didn't stay in California. We had enough rain while we were there:)

    How cool to have a bobcat just wander through your yard. In Wisconsin it was just deer and rabbits and more deer and rabbits with some squirrels for good measure.


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