
Monday, March 21, 2011

Master Bedroom is FINISHED

Well, almost. 

 I still have to clean the free standing cone fireplace and give it fresh a coat of high temp black paint, but that's another project and may not happen for a while.

I left the tape up on top so I can make a plastic tent when we spray paint it.  Before we had the roof redone water dripped down the pipe and there is a bit of rust that has to be cleaned of

But everything else is done!  

I ended up deciding to save the light sage green color for another room and go with my own custom mixed color.  
I had tried three different sample quarts of paint and none of them were right, so I took some white paint and started adding a bit of bunt umber and a bit of burnt sienna until I got the color I liked. 
 Then I  added more white to get it to the correct shade. 
 I took this to Sherwin Williams and they almost matched it.  Their sample match was still to dark so I had them mix it at 75% saturation for the gallon and it was just right.  

The new color is very much like the background color of the Blogger Dashboard! Neutral, but a good color to bridge between the barn wood wall and stone wall.

On Sunday we carried the big brass framed mirror into the kitchen and I spent a couple hours polishing it with Brasso.  Craig had gone off to the store while I worked, but when he came back he did some rubbing too.

Wow, it came out like new!   
The entire room has been transformed!

You will never confuse me with "Susie Homemaker."  I hate to clean, and rarely do housework, but my recent painting has been very rewarding.

As I work thru each room I become more and more motivated to keep them nice. 

The good news is I won't be doing any more renovation for at least the next two weeks.

 I have a couple of sculpture orders to get done this week, and next week I have to get stuff ready for the Flea Market on April 2nd.

  I've been stashing stuff in boxes in one of the garages for several months.  Now I have to haul it all out, sort it, price it, and decide what should go to the market, what should be kept for storage, and what should go to the dump. 

Craig is no help in this. Whenever I bring it up he makes "unhappy noises."  I don't know if thats just his way of getting out of dealing with things. 

So if I don't do it, it won't get done!

Well, at least it's not painting!


  1. "Susie Homemaker." I were a thinkin' "Annie Animal Head." I thinks I need to study up on the "unhappy noises" so the next time Ol' 5th Wheel breaks down I can make them and she'll up and fix herownself. If'n it works fer Craig maybe it will work fer me. :)

    PS. It will likely get better in the end once he gets a taste of what the freedom of fulltiming really is.

  2. Glad you are taking a break from the renovations. The mirror looks great as I sure the entire house will by the time you are done. Good luck with the boxes.

  3. I think you've done an awesome job with the painting -- painting never was something I knew anything about. We sold our home "as is." It had a new roof, new heat & AC & new fencing -- someone else could do the painting...LOL.

  4. way to go!..finishing the Master Bedroom! box at a time is all you can do!..taking a break from the painting is a good idea!

  5. Great job!! Everybody needs a break once in deserve it!!

  6. You better stop working so hard and making the house look so fabulous. You may never leave :)

  7. Great job! I'd say you've worked hard enough for a long rest!

  8. I generally require a good old swift kick in the motivation department before I pick up a paint brush & roller. Just gotta be in the right mood to get that kinda job done. Good work on the mirror. And they say a change is as good as a rest sometimes.

  9. I think you deserve a big Suzie Homemaker badge! The room looks wonderful and I saw your other room too. Your house is looking awesome. :)

  10. Enjoy the break, you deserve it!

  11. Boy, all that work makes me tired. It is looking terrific, and it will sell well!

  12. I like the idea of taking a break - seeing the finished project after painting is fun, but you can also get burned out with two much painting. I keep wondering if you will like your "new home" so much you won't put it up for sale.


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