
Friday, March 11, 2011

Hear an old interview:

I got this email this morning from a reporter who did an interview with me when I had a Solo show at a Gallery in San Francisco some yeas ago.

I really don't remember what I said, but if you have nothing to do and have internet access on Saturday afternoon, you might try to listen in.

"Hi Merikay,
Hope this email finds you well.
We did an interview several years ago now for my show Animals Aloud.
It is re-running this Saturday on at 3pm. 
 It's online only.   
The show is about Animals in Art. 
Your interview will run around 3:43 pm.  ( PACIFIC Time)
I know the Lola Gallery is no longer around, but people can always contact you online if they want to see your work.
Very best,
Déirdre Kennedy
Reporter - Producer "


  1. A readin' this, fer the first time in my life I is speechless. At the appointed time I will be all ears, cause I ain't never heard a talkin' animal head afore.

    Yer devoted follower and soon to be listener,


  2. Merikay, where can we see your work online?


  3. Hi Merikay! Sorry I haven't been here for a while, my recent blogger funk also affected my reading so I am wayyy behind! I just wanted to tell you I love the way your site looks now! Very cool :) Now I have a bunch of reading to catch up on!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"


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