
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Last Wall

Today, Saturday, Craig helped me take down the heavy brass mirror over the built-in vanity so I could get the wallpaper off the last wall in the master bedroom.

He had to remove the paper from the kick-space in the center. I can climb step ladders all day, but I just can't get down into little low places like that!

Unless something comes up, I will start painting the ceiling on Monday or Tuesday.  I still have to decide on a wall color.  I'm torn between a pinkish brown that might go with the stone and wood wall, or a very light sage. 

The operative word is "might."  I've already bought three sample pinkish brownish paints, and none of them are quite right. I know the sage would be safe.  I guess I'll get a sample quart and try it out.  I hate making these kinds of decisions! 

Someday this will all be a distant memory!

For today, I got to check off "remove wallpaper from master bedroom" in my to do book.


  1. I need to put together a "to do" book for the house and my future RV. I have to start painting and stuff, I have been cleaning out closets and cabinets. Would be good to have a book that I can cross things off, to see what I have accomplished.

  2. Ya think its hard choosin' atween a pertty pink and giggly green, ya just needs to wait till yer fulltiming and has to decide whether or not to take that deadend road, at the end of which there mite or might not be a mobile, mobile home park, that might or mite not be open if'n its their. Pickin' paint ain't nothin' compared to that road choosin' experimence which could be marriage alterin'.

    P.S. If'n I was you, I'd pick one of the brown pinks. Always being safe ain't reelly livin'.

    Me and Nilda's blog

  3. Picking paint colors is always a problem for me because they never look like what I imagine. Good luck choosing! The pinkish brown sounds like it would be nice if you could get the right shade.

  4. Work, work, work. Makes me tired just looking at it!

  5. You go, girl... makes me feel guilty I'm not tackling such things, too! Have fun painting!

  6. Merikay you need to take a break, you're working too hard! I admire your determination to get things done so you can get out there and enjoy some RVing time.

  7. I have a vague memory of scraping wallpaper -- not fun. Sage green sounds good. Have to hand it to you for pushing thru with the painting.

  8. I'm glad you gave yourself that gold star!!!

    You definitely deserve it!


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