
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Medley Stuffed Peppers

The other day I bought a package of three Sweet Bell Peppers for no other reason than "they were so pretty."  I  decided I wanted to use them this evening, but  I didn't feel like doing my good "old stuffed pepper the way my mother did it" recipe.  You know, hamburger, rice, and tomato soup, so I looked thru the cupboards to see what I had on hand and put together my own version of a recipe I  saw in a magazine some years ago.

Craig said they were the best stuffed peppers he had ever had and insisted I post the recipe.  So here it is:

Merikay’s Medley Stuffed Peppers
Serves 2

Three sweet Bell peppers –red, yellow, orange
Cooking oil
2 large garlic cloves – minced
¼ Cup Onion,- minced
2 Cups fresh Crimini mushroom caps – minced

1 cup uncooked rice medley  (A mix of rice including brown and  wild – no seasonings added) I bought this in the bulk section of Berkeley Bowl.

½  cup Parmesan cheese
½ cup grated Mexican Cheese Mix (Packaged)  These were all leftovers and
½ cup Jack Cheese (Packaged)                             amounts were what I had on hand

1 small can  (8.75 oz) kidney beans – rinsed and drained
½ Cup frozen corn
3 green onions sliced into rounds

Cook rice medley in 2 cups water until tender (about 40 minutes).
 Cut peppers length wise. Steam until tender. 
Sauté garlic and onions in 1 Tablespoon oil a few minutes, then add the mushrooms.  Cook until mushrooms wilt and corn defrosts.  Add cooked rice medley, kidney beans, and parmesan cheese.
 Place peppers cut side up in single layer in baking dish.  Fill with rice mix. (I had a little left over that I put it into a small dish and saved for lunch.   It could be baked along with the peppers).

Scatter green onions over peppers. Scatter Mexican cheese mix over peppers and place into a preheated 350 oven. 
  Bake 15 minutes, scatter Jack cheese over and bake 5 minutes more.

Cooking time might be increased if dish is made ahead and is cold.

All measurements were based on leftovers I had on hand and what seemed about right.

 So now it's in my blog and I can find it using the "Labels."


  1. What a great recipe. Very easy to fix, modify with what is at hand, and can also be made ahead of time if desired. And it looks very Yummy!


  2. Sounds tasty, although I'm not a big fan of beans. :)

  3. Now that's different! Sounds really good and not the same-o thing we usually do with peppers. YUM!

  4. Looks very yummy, I will definitely try it.

  5. Thanks for the recipe, it sounds fantastic. We'll definitely be giving this one a try.

  6. I just had breakfast but now that I've read your post I'm hungry again. :) Sounds delicious, will have to try this.


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