
Monday, March 28, 2011

A Storage Idea

Today, as I sorted thru stuff that I had put into the garage for this week's Flea Market, I came across three, still in their packages, Toy Hammocks.

I have no idea why I had bought them, but I brought them back into the house because I think they might be useful in the RV.

They are made of a white nylon mesh.  As I was looking for pictures, I saw several that were crocheted, for the do-it- yourselfers.  

Although they are shown hanging in corners, they can also be hung flat on a wall.  

And although the are shown with the front side open, you can hook the front edge over the middle hook and create a closed mesh bag.

As an experiment,  I hung one up and was easily able to put ten rolled tee shirts into it.

I could see attaching some of these to the back of the closet, or even the closet door using those adhesive hooks.  

Just an idea.  I put them into my dresser drawer for future use.  There are several different types for sale on the internet and Baby stores and container stores.

Has anyone used them?


  1. A piece of advice from someone who has been fulltiming fer too many years. If it ain't got a definite use, it ain't got no place in the RV. Don't believe me? Tell me the same thing after ya been fulltiming for a few years.

    Howsoever, you bein' the animal head lady and all, yer results may differ.

    Yer faithfull reeder, I.M.
    Me and Nilda's blog

  2. It would be nice to have something to hold rolled-up t-shirts. I'll be waiting to see how you use them.

  3. I've seen those nets but have never used one. I put shelves in my closet and rather than hang most of my clothes, I roll them and put them on the shelves. Saves a lot of space.

  4. I have owned SUV's that came with a similar item that stretched across the back of the cargo area, so that stuff would not fly around. I have also seen similar items in camping catalogs.

  5. My son had one of those when he was little and we used it for stuffed animals just like the picture shows. I don't know whatever happened to it. I'll be interested to see if you find a use for it in your future motorhome.

  6. What an interesting idea! I used to have one of those for my son's stuffed animals too. It was great at the time, but of course it's long gone now..

  7. I've given it about five minutes of thought, and I can't think of a use I'd have for it. However, I agree with I.M., your results may vary. :)

  8. it is a great storage idea!..we used one when our daughter was a baby for her 'stuffies'!!..but t-shirts or sox or stuff like that it might work!!

  9. I can't think of anywhere in our motor home that we would be able to use one that wouldn't take up more space than it gave us. That's not to say it wouldn't work in a different rig though.

    The best thing we have done so far is living in the mh for 3 months this past winter. It really opened our eyes to what we have room for and need.

    Hopefully at some point you'll be able to do the same thing.

    You can always sell them later if you don't find a use for them.

  10. Can't say I've ever seen those and can't say what I'd ever use them for.

  11. Some neat ideas there! I'm trying to thing of how I can get ride of a few pieces of furniture that hold "overflow," and I'm thinking I might use some of those nets to hold a few things in out-of-the-way places. Thanks!

  12. Be careful that you don't find too many things that you decide not to put in the Flea Market.


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