
Friday, April 1, 2011

Flea Market Tomorrow

Well, the truck is packed full of stuff.  I don't know if it will sell or not, but at least it is out of the house and out of the garage.

I'm less well prepared for this Flea Market than I was for the very small church one I did last summer.  I don't want to think about pricing until it is all out.  I did do a little, but I also noticed last month when I went for a look-see that not everyone had everything marked.

A chance of Rain has been forecast for tomorrow, so I packed my Easy-up Tent.  The big bag with the top in it was the last thing I stuffed into the front seat of the van and as I was reparking it in the garage I noticed a strong "musty" smell.  It was the tent top.  It has been in the bag, in the garage for several years.  

I have it spread out in the sun for the afternoon, and hopefully it will air out enough to be useable.  

I dread the fact that I have to get up really really early tomorrow.   

Think of me ...   I'm not doing this for the money ...  

I'm doing this as another step toward reaching my dream.


  1. Don't ya goin' on bout worryin' that yer dream got an musty smell too it. The important thing are that at least all them animal heads weren't a trying to go with ya, a yellin' I musty go with within' ya two.

    I.M. lettin' ya know that no matters how bad ya think it are, it could bee a hole lot worse.

  2. I love flea markets. The flea markets I'm used to are all inside and you don't have to be there to man it. Hope of sell everything!

  3. Good luck at the Flea Market tomorrow!! Hope it is a VERY productive day and you are able to get rid of lots of stuff!! :-)

  4. Good luck at the flea market. Remember, the more you get rid of now, the happier you will be when the time comes. Purge, purge, purge!!!

  5. I bet you will feel so liberated after tomorrow! (We are going to a flea market tomorrow too. The only stuff we'll come home with is the digestible kind. Let's here it for fresh produce)!

  6. I feel your pain Dear, I went through what you are experiencing last Spring, the auction, the sales, the sale of our home, it can all get to be a bit much sometimes, (especially to us "Artistic" types, but you will get through it, eventually it will all be gone and you will be free, like me!
    Hang in There!

  7. Good for you! We've been sorting through stuff that is Ebay worthy, and the stuff that is for yard sale. This spring after the rally we'll have a yard sale to get rid of a lot of stuff.

  8. Last time I had a sale I didn't price things. I told people to make an offer, and they were usually accepted. Only two people walked away without bargaining.

    Good luck!! And hey! you are getting up early, so maybe you'll get to see the sunrise for a change! LOL!

  9. good luck at the flea market!..hope you sell lots of stuff!!!

  10. Good luck, Merikay. It will feel so good when it's gone!

  11. What I learned was just get rid of the stuff! No one will think it's worth what you think it is. :)

  12. Good luck with your sale...we'll be doing the same thing.

    Just remember, everything that leaves with someone else is something else you never have to deal with again.

    I think it's better to have things priced. Some people won't ask and if it's priced well, you'll get rid of some stuff.

  13. Good luck with getting rid of your stuff. I understand the concept alright but don't like having to go through the flea market process itself. We did that one time about 5 years ago & by the end of the day I was convinced that I would not be doing that again & we haven't. However, we may be in a position to downsize this summer as well but don't know how we are going to handle the disposal of stuff yet if we do.

  14. Hey, if we were in the area, Paulette would probably buy lots of your stuff and then I'd be stuck with it! Good luck selling!

  15. I really hated the garage sale stage of getting rid of stuff but it is one of those steps to getting rid of stuff that needs to be done.

  16. think of it as creating airspace - as important a step to your traveling dream as to your mental health. a form of mental floss ;-)


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